Saturday, January 30, 2010

Thank You Jesus!!

It is good to know that with our country facing a $14 TRILLION DOLLAR national debt, 10% unemployment rate - Islamofascist war of terror - that our Gob'mint has it's priorities straight and is gonna focus like a LASER on the American college football playoff system!!!

The Justice Department recently announced that they are in the process of determining whether to open an investigation into whether the BCS violates antitrust laws.

Lord luv a duck -- hmmm, you have to remember that this is the same Justice Department and POTUS that dropped all military charges against the 911 Terrorist Bombers so they could be tried in the Federal court in New York.......... and then said, "Oh never mind." Right now the Islamo Lads are not charged with anything......

If you'd like to read about this football foolishness, go to the Sports Illustrated article at:

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

About this State of the Union speech falderol.....

General George Washington started this annual trek to Capital Hill because he was still trying to get the Congress to agree to some needed things for our young Democratic Republic. And he want to explain them in person.

Our third President, the very wise Thomas Jefferson, thought it was all too Kingly and all and just sent his annual message down in written form where somebody read it to the Congress. Makes a lot of sense to me. That lasted a hundred years - but then old Progressive academician Woodrow Wilson decided he ought to deliver it in person --- and so, every president of the 20th Century did as well.

Now, here we are, 220 years removed from General George's first visit.... and our elected President will jump in his motorcade, with posse in tow, and TOTUS at the ready - to go through this charade once again. He will mouth the words on his TOTUS and over state his accomplishments as well as his plans, side-step his failures, point fingers at others, pause for applause whilst Biden and Pelosi behind him jump up and down like their pants are on fire, take his bows and head back down to the other end of of Pennsylvania Avenue where all his lackeys will tell him how great he was.

Meanwhile, all of TV's talking heads will tell us what they think he really said because we are too stupid to understand, while his spin-meisters try to tell us what he actually meant.... and tomorrow will be business as usual.

Kind of like the annual Hollywoody awards shows, where they all clean & sober themselves up and tell each other how great they are, or were, or will be.

Nowadays of course, the 'out' party gets to broadcast a response to the State of the Union speech. Whoever draws the short straw has to stand in an empty room and talk to a camera, no applause, no jumping up and down, no response. They ought to at least let him give it in the shower stall where we all sound better than we really are.

I have high hopes that the new Governor of Virginia will ring out with positive Republican goals and offer solutions to the problems of the day. It's time to stop being the party of 'NO' and time to become the party of "GO"! If I don't hear what I hope to hear, tune in here again tomorrow and I'll share my humble opinion of what the new Republican Platform and Plans ought to be.

Have a good evening now, hear? There are always good movies on the back channels.........

Ramirez sets the podium for tonite's edition of the "Blame Game"

Best line of the day is...........(drum roll)..........

Tonight, President Obama will unveil his State of the Union.

Said one well connected Democrat last night, “Things are so bad there is a betting pool on which DEMOCRAT screams ‘You Lie!’ tomorrow night.” Well, tomorrow night is now arrived.

Here are the runner-ups:

“All that need be done for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Edmond Burke

“Dead fish go with the flow” ~ izoneguy

“We have a Statue of Liberty not a Statue of Necessity” ~ ColdWarrior

Monday, January 25, 2010

I promised myself that I would quit bashin' Obamanation...

.... in this little blog, cause there are so many experts doing it even better than I can. But he sure does make it hard.... There was this little story by Glenn Thrush breaking today on Politico quoting Arkansas Dem Representative Marion Berry's comments on the current Dem losing streak:

Berry: Obama said "big difference" between '10 and '94 is 'me'

Rep. Marion Berry's parting shot, published in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette [no link, subscription only] offers a warning to moderate Democrats and border state moderates — warning of a midterm bloodbath comparable to the 54-seat D-to-R swing in 1994.

But the jaw-dropper is Berry's claim that President Obama personally dismissed any comparison between Democrats now and under Bill Clinton 16 years ago — by saying his personal popularity would bail everybody out.

The retiring Berry, who doesn't say when the remarks were made, now scoffs at Obama's 50-or-below approval rating:

Folks, with stuff like that floating around the ether landscape, it's tough not to talk about it....... I'll post the Politico source page for you...:

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I heard that the White House...

.... has interpreted Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts as a vote for the Obamanation Policies! I'm not sure exactly how they tri-angulate that weird thought - but found a truer answer today on a blog that copies a blog that repeats a great column from the ""

"Special Post-Election Analysis
by Rosa Ortiz
Former Chief of Housekeeping Staff, Coakley For Senate Campaign

I have been in this country for now many years and I have learn many things. Like to put the 20% away for the rainy day. Do no to mix the permanent press with the cottons. And as Dio is my witness, do no never take the job for the Kennedys.

Please for to let me explain. I am being to not blog for many months here because I am very busy. Last year when I am working for the Senora Caroline Kennedy she tell me to write this blog to tell you why for to vote for her for the Senator of Nueva York. This is no my idea, but Senora Kennedy say, "Rosa, after you are finish with the floors, you must write my blog! I am late for to my gown fitting at Saks." But then she is very angry at me because she is no made into the Senator, and because she has to pay the back taxes for Rosa and the other housekeepers. This is why we have the big fight and she fire me.

My friends they are very sad for me, but I tell them, "be no sad for Rosa! I am very very happy I am not to longer be working for the Senora Kennedy no more." Then I am go to the Bronx community college and study the dental hygienist. But the one day it is the phone ringing.

"Ola Rosa, it is Senora Kennedy. No no no! Please to no hang up! I have the very good job opportunity for you! In the Massachusetts."

I am ask her, is this for to work for another Kennedy like your drunk sobrinos? She say, "no no no Rosa, it is for to work for mi amiga Senora Coakley. She is going to win Tio Teddy's family seat with the Senate, and she need the light housekeeping and campaign helping. If you do the good job she will take you to the Washington and you will make a lot of money more than the dental hygiene. I am promise you, no windows and no blogging."

I am having the very mix feelings about this. I am pray to the Guadelupe for the guidance. Many times I have clean up the mess for Tio Teddy when he is barracho. But que Dios le bendiga, he always pay Rosa the nice bonus on Navidad to stay quiet about it. So I say, "okay, Senora, I will take the job."

When I move to the Massachusetts Senora Coakley is first a very good lady. She no make me do the windows, only to bring the grocery and the morning tracking polls. She is very happy with the 30% lead and she is always the phone with Senor Reid and the real eastate brokers in Washington. But one morning I am bring her the tracking poll and she is now only up 15% and she is very angry. "Rosa! Why are you to bring me this! Throw this bad poll away and bring me the grapefruit."

Then, Dio mio, every day the poll is more bad, and she keep yelling louder. She stop asking for the grapefruit and ask for the Ben and Jerry ice cream. She say, "Rosa, why do the stupid voter people fall for the stupid Senor Brown and his stupid truck?" I say, I do no know Senora, maybe because he is the very handsome and against the health care taxes. This is make her very angry and to throw her Ben and Jerry across the kitchen.

When I am clean up the mess Senora Coakley say, "You are the Mexicana, yes Rosa? You must have the old pickup truck I can borrow for the campaign."

I say, "no Senora, I am from Guatemala. My cousin Estaban has the pickup, but it is need the new transmission."

Every day it is getting worse with yelling and the polls. Senora Coakley is on the phone with the Senator peoples and the White House peoples, especially after she say the bad things about the Red Sox man. "Why do I have to know all this things about the beisbol players?" she is yelling on the phone. "Nobody at the Harvard cares!"

Then she looks at me and she say, "Rosa! You are the Hispanic like the many beisbol players. Why can no you get me the endorsement from the Pedro Gomez or Lopez or what is his name? You are not being very good to help me!"

I am say, "I am sorry Senora, I know Pedro Gomez but he is not this beisbol player. Maybe you talk to Senor Steinbrenner. Do you want me to go to the Stop and Shop for more Ben and Jerry?"

And then she is very angry again and she say, "No Rosa! The consultant man he say I need to make the connect with the Red Sox fans. I want you go to this Fenway Park and shake the people hands and give the Coakley signs. I am late for the interview on MSNBC."

Okay, I do what she say, but it is very very cold and none of the peoples want to take the signs. All of them want to talk to Senor Brown. When this is over, Senor Brown he say he is feeling very bad for me, and so is to give me a hot cocoa and a lift back to the casa in his pickup.

When I am getting back, I am surprise to see Senora Coakley very happy. "Oh Rosa, oh Rosa!" she say. "El Presidente is coming for to campaign rallies for me! We are save! We are going to the Washington!"

In the next days Senora Coakley and her campaign peoples are very excited to prepare for El Presidente and for to make the attack ads. It is very busy in the house and I am try to make sure there are enough ashtrays for El Presidente, but the attack ad people keep to ask me, "Rosa! How do you spell Massachusettes?"

But when Senora Coakley and the people are come back from the rally with El Presidente, they are all being very quiet with the angry looks. The next days before the election days the house is like the funeraria, and all of the people are making the updating resumes on the computers. Senora Coakley is alone in the kitchen practicing the smiles and throwing the Ben and Jerrys.

I am alone in the house last night and I watch the election on the television. I am try to watch this on Telemundo, but Senora Coakley is making the TVs only to work for MSNBC. Dio me perdone, but I am relief when Senora Coakley make her concession speech because maybe she will get on with her life and stop crying and throwing the ice creams. But then television peoples are now saying the bad things about her. They say she is the very bad candidate. And then Senora Coakley's peoples are angry and they say that El Presidente is to blame. All I know is that there is going to be a lot of ice cream to clean up when she is get back.

In this morning when I get to the kitchen Senora Coakley is standing there with the Democratic advisor people. And they are all very angry. At me.

"Have I done something wrong Senora?" I say.

"Rosa! You have done everything wrong!" they are yelling. "There is no way we could lose the election. Everybody in the Massachusetts loves El Presidente and his health care! Everyone loves Senora Coakley and Tio Teddy! You are the reason, Rosa! You have lost this election just like you did with Senora Kennedy in Nueva York. Rosa, you are the cursed!"

And now I am getting very angry.

"No, Rosa is not the cursed," I say. "But Rosa has a curse for you. Chinga su madre, puta loca."

After that I am feeling much better. Estaban got his transmission fixed and he is driving me back to Nueva York. I think I have finally learn my lesson about taking the Kennedy jobs, so this time I am going to stick with becoming the dental hygienist.

If this does not work out, maybe I become a Senator. I hear there will be openings this Fall."


Friday, January 22, 2010

Bumper Sticker (s) of the Week

(Thanks and a tip o' the Stetson to my ole' Air Force bud -- Al in Maryland)

Sometimes good things happen by accident.....

Just this week, Obamanation's nominee to head up TSA (Transportation Security Administration) withdrew himself for consideration by the Senate because of heat created by his nomination. He not only had a past history of using his FBI creds to do background checks on his ex-wife's boyfriends, but is also an avowed pro-union guy, who would have encouraged unionizing the TSA Officers, making them immune to ordinary employee at will rules.

This story just turned up in the Philadelphia Inquirer regarding another 'practical joker' in the TSA ranks..........

Daniel Rubin: It was no joke at security gate

In the tense new world of air travel, we're stripped of shoes, told not to take too much shampoo on board, frowned on if we crack a smile.

The last thing we expect is a joke from a Transportation Security Administration screener - particularly one this stupid.

Rebecca Solomon is 22 and a student at the University of Michigan, and on Jan. 5 she was flying back to school after holiday break. She made sure she arrived at Philadelphia International Airport 90 minutes before takeoff, given the new regulations.

She would be flying into Detroit on Northwest Airlines, the same city and carrier involved in the attempted bombing on Christmas, just 10 days before. She was tense.

What happened to her lasted only 20 seconds, but she says they were the longest 20 seconds of her life.

After pulling her laptop out of her carry-on bag, sliding the items through the scanning machines, and walking through a detector, she went to collect her things.

A TSA worker was staring at her. He motioned her toward him.

Then he pulled a small, clear plastic bag from her carry-on - the sort of baggie that a pair of earrings might come in. Inside the bag was fine, white powder.

She remembers his words: "Where did you get it?"

Two thoughts came to her in a jumble: A terrorist was using her to sneak bomb-detonating materials on the plane. Or a drug dealer had made her an unwitting mule, planting coke or some other trouble in her bag while she wasn't looking.

She'd left her carry-on by her feet as she handed her license and boarding pass to a security agent at the beginning of the line.

Answer truthfully, the TSA worker informed her, and everything will be OK.

Solomon, 5-foot-3 and traveling alone, looked up at the man in the black shirt and fought back tears.

Put yourself in her place and count out 20 seconds. Her heart pounded. She started to sweat. She panicked at having to explain something she couldn't.

Now picture her expression as the TSA employee started to smile.

Just kidding, he said. He waved the baggie. It was his.

And so she collected her things, stunned, and the tears began to fall.

Another passenger, a woman traveling to Colorado, consoled her as others who had witnessed the confrontation went about their business. Solomon and the woman walked to their gates, where each called for security and reported what had happened.

A joke? You're not serious. Was he hitting on her? Was he flexing his muscle? Who at a time of heightened security and rattled nerves would play so cavalierly with a passenger's emotions?

When someone is trying to blow planes out of the sky, what is a TSA employee doing with his eyes off the ball?

When she complained to airport security, Solomon said, she was told the TSA worker had been training the staff to detect contraband. She was shocked that no one took him off the floor, she said.

"It was such a violation," the Wynnewood native told me by phone. "I'd come early. I'd done everything right. And they were kidding about it."

I ran her story past Ann Davis, regional TSA spokeswoman, who said she knew nothing to contradict the young traveler's account.

Davis said privacy law prevents her from identifying the TSA employee. The law prevents her from disclosing what sort of discipline he might have received.

"The TSA views this employee's behavior to be highly inappropriate and unprofessional," she wrote. "We can assure travelers this employee has been disciplined by TSA management at Philadelphia International Airport, and he has expressed remorse for his actions."

Maybe he's been punished enough. That Solomon's father, Jeffrey, is a Center City litigator might mean this story isn't over.

In the meantime, I think the TSA worker should spend time following passengers through the scanners, handing them their shoes. Maybe he could tie them, too.

Update: Ann Davis, the TSA spokeswoman, said this afternoon that the worker is no longer employed by the agency as of today. She said privacy laws prevented her from saying if he was fired or left on his own.

Now then Pilgrims, imagine that snarky piece of dog poop being endowed with the magic of a TSA Union Employee rights.......... it boggles the mind. He'd have probably been transferred to Honolulu as Gate Supervisor.........

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What a pleasant surprise.....

Now that the dust has settled and Scott Brown is a Senator-Elect, not a candidate. I checked out a couple of Massachusetts papers looking to see if the 'dirt' was being uncovered and shoveled with both hands.

The B
oston Herald, an even handed (well, I reckon some would say it tilts a little right) newspaper had several nice pieces including a column on how well liked Brown is in his home community of Wrentham. I kept waiting for a zinger - but none there!

So I jumped over to this mornings Boston Globe, a typical MSM paper with a serious tilt to the left.... once again - several nice
articles on how he ran the race -- and then a nice column with several comments from his friends and fellow Wrenthamites..... not a discouraging word. Best quote of the day, from the mechanic that works on the Senator's pick-up truck -- "The president said we should look at that truck -- I do, every time I service it, and it's a smooth running machine with 200,000 honest miles on it!" Or words to that effect.

I remain hopeful that the national rags, NY Times, the Washington Post, et al, don't spend big bucks trying to trash him like they did Governor Palin. He won guys, get over it!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hey Pilgrims, here's a thought for the day.....

And I reckon some of those Beltway Bubbleheads have been holdin' those farts in lately!!


Thought for the Day

Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who are not.

Thomas Jefferson

Hitler learns of Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts

and goes ballistic!!! Turn up your sound and enjoy - three minutes + long!

(sorry, you'll have to cut and paste or copy - I can't get it to link)

I had a great chuckle this morning......

when I opened my E-Mails. Apparently the Republicans have taken Rahm Emmanuel's quote "Never let a good crisis go to waste." and paraphrased it into: "Never let a good victory go unexploited."

When I went to bed last night, Scott Brown's victory speech was still echoing thru the land, this morning I opened my mail and there in order were:

1. E-mail from Republican Senate Election Committee Chairman Cornyn: "We had a great victory in Massachusetts, we need to build on it..... send money, send money!"

2. E-mail from Texas State Republican Committee: "Yesterday, the Republicans enjoyed a great victory in Massachusetts, we need to keep the movement going in Texas..... send $25, $50, or $100!

3. E-Mail from 60+ (the folks I joined when I told AARP to stick my membership renewal where the sun don't shine) "The first step in stopping the horrendous Obama Health Care bill was taken yesterday in Massachusetts. We need to press on across the country - Please send any amount you can to help us continue this battle!"

I reckon the card Carrying Dem folks have a full e-mail box this morning as well -- same solicitations, different reasons........

And on it goes..

Oh, in case you was wonderin', I stopped sending my money to the RINO's in the State and National Committees and now pick and choose those candidates I wish to support across the State of Texas and the Nation......... Folks like that young feller, Russell, that almost beat - Porky Murfa of Pa last year, young Scott Brown, and the like.

I reckon I just got tired of letting other folks decide which candidates my money should support!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Fat Lady quit warming up and is in full voice...

Tonight, from the villages. towns and cities of the Commonwealth of the Bluest State of all, Massachusetts........... we heard the Fat Lady belt out the Funeral Song of Obamacare, and Gob'mint arrogance in this great land of ours.

More than just a landslide in the Bluest State - it was a victory for Independent, Conservative Voters rising as a chorus!! Not Republicans,
not Blue Dog Dems, but a march of Independent Americans, voicing their discontent with the corruptocrats of both major parties..

I reckon notice was served -- between now and November, fresh faces will show themselves, and bid'ness as usual inside the Beltway --- is on life support...... and fading fast!!


Now, the Dems will form a circular firing squad, the TV pundits will try to explain what happened in their own terms, and some dumb Republicans will think this is an automatic open season on House and Senate seats -- without their earning them..... This November's elections should be one of the most interesting in this ole' Pilgrims life!

If the arrogant Obamacrats make the fateful and suicidal decision to press on with health care and cap & trade bills -- and the hell with what the voters want....... it could be a total massacre in November. If they see the light - it will still be interesting....

Frankly friends, I hope that November brings us back to a two party government in Washington - with neither party controlling all three houses!

Main Stream Media 'eh? I reckon not...................

Friday, January 15, 2010

Danny Glover falls on head?

Do y'all reckon it's possible that when Danny Glover got blown off his toilet seat in his Lethal Weapon movie with Mel Gibson that he landed on his head and never recovered?

Today, the day after the mother of all earthquakes leveled Haiti and killed thousands of unfortunate folks, Danny Boy did a telephone interview and blamed it on ........ are you ready for this...... GLOBAL WARMING!!

Yep, that's what he said...... because global warming wasn't 'fixed' in Copenhagen, global warming and climate change wreaked this havoc on the Haitian people!!!!

Whee Doggies, when these air headed Hollywoodies don't have a script in their hand that someone with a lick of sense wrote....... they sound like raving idiots!!!! ......"you know what I'm sayin'?"

Whee Doggies, we got Pat Robertson blaming the earthquake on 'Haiti's pact with the devil' and now Danny Dimwit blaming it on melting icebergs ......

Can't wait to hear what Rosie O'Donald is gonna blame it on. I expect Obamanation will say it was 'W's fault.... and he just inherited it........

Ramirez ----- on the US Economy!!!

I don't reckon there is any prize for........

..... the Opinion Column with the most metaphors and similes per paragraph, but this sharply written and humorous column by Jonah Goldberg would certainly be a finalist!

Dems Feeling Heat Over Kennedy Seat
Jonah Goldberg
Friday, January 15, 2010

In August, Ted Kennedy, the Lion of the Senate, the last son of Camelot, the soul of the Democratic Party, friend of the people and scourge of robber barons, fat cats and special interests, departed this mortal coil.

Now, that's not really my opinion of the man. But if you were inclined to imbue Tom Brokaw with pontifical authority or view the world through the prism of the New York Times, or its mini-me the Boston Globe, that's how you'd see Teddy.

So it should be of more than passing interest that "Ted Kennedy's seat" in the Senate may go to Republican Scott Brown next week. And not just any Republican, but an actual conservative, as opposed to some me-too Republican who promises to drive in the same direction as liberals.

Not long ago, Brown was down 30 points to Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley. Now it's neck and neck, according to many polls. Brown is still the underdog, but the fact that it is even close is in itself hugely significant. It's a bit like Tibet holding its own against China in a land war, or Abe Vigoda giving Tiger Woods a run for his money at Augusta (or, for that matter, at a Vegas nightclub).

Even more astounding, Brown is running directly against what everyone agrees was Ted Kennedy's signature issue and legacy: health care reform. Massachusetts is the most famously Democratic state in the union. Barack Obama's presidency and the Democratic congressional majority are invested in health care reform like a Bernie Madoff victim, and Brown is surging by running as the monkey wrench for the whole thing.

This is like a Democrat successfully running in Texas on tax hikes, gay marriage and funding the Pentagon solely through bake sales.

The Democratic Party is panicking like brothel patrons with the cops at the door. They're dropping shock troops of muckety-mucks, hacks, spinners and door-knockers into Boston like Rangers into Normandy.

Meanwhile, the liberal press establishment is in near-total denial. Yes, the race is getting a lot of attention, but Coakley's problems are being chalked up to the fact that she is a bad campaigner and that this is a bad "climate" for the Democrats.

They use "climate" to suggest that things are bad for Democrats for reasons beyond their control (ironically, they don't talk about the climate that way when it comes to global warming). Orange growers in Florida can't be blamed for a bad crop if the climate won't cooperate, and Democrats can't be held accountable for their crop failure now. It's the economy! It's the obstructionism of the Republicans and that satanic whatchamacallit, the filibuster. Jupiter is aligned with Mars, NutraSweet has poisoned the water supply, "Lost" has been on hiatus too long, Mongo likes candy: It's the climate, you see, the horrible, horrible climate! Democrats didn't do anything wrong!

Except they did.

The Democrats' "bad climate" is a direct result of how they've governed. The populist backlash is fueled by a sense that Democrats are acting on their preferred agenda and by their own rules. From the shenanigans of the people who write our tax code and collect our taxes to special deals and secret arrangements for big businesses and legislators who play ball, the Democrats have abandoned transparency in favor of transparent arrogance.

Coakley is a creature of this climate. She hasn't been running for "Ted Kennedy's seat," she's been strolling to it like someone who knows it's been reserved for her and all she needs to do is swing by the will-call window to pick it up.

"The people of Massachusetts" are an abstraction whose assigned role is to ratify her entitlement to that seat. As for the actual citizens of the state her campaign can't be bothered to spell correctly in campaign ads? By all means, keep them at a safe distance.

When asked if her campaign style is too aloof, she snapped back: "As opposed to standing outside Fenway Park (the way Scott Brown does)? In the cold? Shaking hands?"

Heaven forfend the royal heir apparent descend from her carriage and actually touch the prols.

Brown has raised vast sums through the sorts of small donations that allegedly made Obama a man of the people. But Coakley attacks his fundraising as the tainted lucre of right-wing ogres lurking under America's bridges (bridges no doubt paid for with stimulus dollars), while she shakes down health-care lobbyists eager to cash in on the "reform" she will ratify.

Coakley may still win. But Democrats should be on notice: The fault for her sad performance lies not in the climate, but in themselves.

Copyright © 2010 Salem Web Network. All Rights Reserved.

For the original column and other great articles, go to TownHall's site:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

When you are a Dem, and a AAA rated Liberal ......

.... and the Los Angeles Times (West Coast DNC Party Info Sheet) turns on you --- you know you are headed for that ditch on the left side of the road!!

The Times headline today in their political section:

Joe Biden update: He meets on transparency today. But the meeting is closed.

Everybody should just relax and take it easy.

Unsubstantiated rumors that Vice President Joe Biden had suddenly gone a little loopy and ordered some of his official meetings opened to at least cursory public or media attention were just that -- unsubstantiated rumors.

After a recent public sighting, fears had mounted that the one-time, long-term senator might rebel against traditional White House strictures and start acting on all the administration's oft-promised promises of government transparency and official openness running back into 2008.

But the VP's public schedule today puts all those fears to rest.



In the morning, the President and the Vice President will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing and the Economic Daily Briefing in the Oval Office. These briefings are closed press.

At 11:30 AM, the Vice President will meet with Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood to discuss the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This meeting is closed press.

Afterwards, the President and the Vice President will have lunch in the Private Dining Room. This lunch is closed press.

At 1:00 PM, the Vice President will meet with Iraqi Vice President Adil Abd al-Mahdi in the Roosevelt Room. There will be a pool spray at the bottom of this meeting; gather time is 1:45 PM in the Brady Briefing Room.

Then, at 2:15 PM, the Vice President will meet with Earl Devaney, chairman of the Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board. This meeting is closed press. ###

Even his meeting on 'Transparency and Accountability are closed to the press!!! I reckon we can expect bid'ness as usual from the Obamanation Crowd..... "Americans are mushrooms, so keep 'em in the dark and regularly cover them with bullshit!!!"

For the whole article, go here:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A few thoughts on the 2nd Amendment.....

Charlie Reese is a journalist from the old school. Retired now, he wrote many famous columns that circulate the Internet e-mail boxes to this day.. One of them is the famous one about the 535 men and women in Washington who all bewail the current status of things in this country ----- but they are personally responsible for everything that is right AND WRONG in our country.

A few years ago he penned this great essay on owning a gun..... it reads as well today as it did in 2006!

Owning a Gun

by Charley Reese

As one might expect of a man so brilliant, Thomas Jefferson had the perfect answer to modern politicians itchy to disarm the ordinary citizen.

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. ... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."

This is an entry in his Commonplace Book, dated sometime between 1774 and 1776.

Can anyone argue against his logic? Criminals are by definition lawbreakers and don't obey gun-control laws. It will be no consolation to you that police may later charge the man who murdered you with the additional crime of possession of a firearm by a felon. That won't buy you a ticket out of the cemetery. You're history.

Even in our modern society, 99 percent of the time police don't get to the scene until after the crime has been committed. Between the time you first perceive yourself as the pending victim of a crime until the police arrive (if they do at all), you are on your own. Self-defense is no longer a theory. Running away is rarely an option. Your choice is to fight or suffer what the criminal has decided to do to you.

Having a gun won't guarantee you'll win a gunfight, but it will certainly guarantee that you will have a chance of winning. If the criminal is armed and you aren't, you have no chance at all. Some younger men who keep in shape might imagine they can handle their assailant, so I will simply pass on to them the advice of a tae kwon do master who was a member of the South Korean intelligence agency. "If your life is in danger, use a gun," he said.

Any honest martial artist will tell you about the principle of distance. You can't hit a man beyond the distance of your outstretched arm. You can't kick a man beyond the length of your leg. But a man with a gun can stand 15 yards away and shoot you. And unlike Jackie Chan or Chuck Norris, you don't have a scriptwriter who will determine how the fight will end.

I'm not suggesting everyone go out and buy a gun. Owning a firearm for self-defense is a serious business. A gun is an inanimate object. If it's loaded, cocked and the trigger is pulled, the gun will kill or maim anybody who happens to be in front of the barrel when the firing pin strikes the cap. You want to be dead certain the person who gets the bullet deserves it, because killing is an act of finality. You can't undo it. You'd better be sure you can live with it. And for God's sake, don't leave a loaded gun where children – yours or a neighbor's – can get to it.

Because you can't rely on the modern justice system to produce justice, I will also pass along some advice an old country lawman gave me when I was a young reserve deputy.

"Son, if you ever have to use that thing," he said, "make sure the judge can hear only one version of what happened." In plainer language, if you have to shoot somebody, kill him. Otherwise, in these crazy times, the perp may sue you even though he is a career criminal who initiated the assault. Or some prosecutor who doesn't believe people should defend themselves might try to indict you.

The human race hasn't changed over the millennia. There are still good people and bad people, kind people and cruel people. There are still predators who will prey on people they think are too weak to defend themselves. There is a lot more to self-defense than I have space to talk about, so I will close with a story from the 1800s.

A man on his way to Texas asked an Arkansas store owner if he thought he would need a gun. "Well," the store owner said, "maybe you will and maybe you won't, but if you do, you'll need it in a hurry."

June 24, 2006

Well stated!! If you'd like to read his column regarding the 535 folks responsible for all our woes, go here:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Massachusetts Senate Race - One Liner of the Year

Last night, the Scott Brown (R) and Coakley (D) met in the only debate that she would agree to. The moderator was "Lefty" Gergan who thought he was really pinning Scott Brown down by asking one of the most leading questions I have ever seen a supposedly fair moderator ask.

The resultant answer, ad lib or not, was a put down for the ages! Here, watch it for yourself, it's only 1½ minutes long.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Blue states getting bluer???

It would appear that the Blue States just keep on getting bluer as folks vote with their feet! All those over managed, Democrat run Blue states just keep running their citizens off, and can't figure out why. From Michael Barone's column this week:


"The state with the fastest population growth in 2008-09 was demographically tiny Wyoming, the nation's largest coal producer, which has had a higher rate of domestic in-migration than any other state. Just behind at No. 2 was Utah. With the nation's largest birth rates and largest families, Utah demographically resembles the America of the 1950s.

No. 3 in percentage population growth in 2008-09 was giant Texas, the nation's second most populous state. Its population grew by almost half a million and accounted for 18 percent of the nation's total population growth. Texas had above-average immigrant growth, but domestic in-migration was nearly twice as high.

There may be lessons for public policy here. Texas over the decades has had low taxes (and no state income tax), low public spending and regulations that encourage job growth. It didn't have much of a housing bubble or a housing price bust.

Under Govs. George W. Bush and Rick Perry, it has placed tight limits on tort lawsuits, and has seen an influx of both corporate headquarters and medical doctors.

Bush's late job ratings may have been low, and Perry may be a wine that doesn't travel. But their approach to governing may not be lost even in Washington.

Polidata Inc. projects from the 2009 estimates that the reapportionment following the 2010 Census will produce four new House seats for Texas, one for Florida, Arizona, Utah and Nevada, and none for California for the first time since 1850. Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Illinois are projected to lose one each, and Ohio two. Americans have been moving, even in recession, away from Democratic strongholds and toward Republican turf."

Y'know a guy could look at those numbers and say to hisself, 'How come them Pilgrims don't change the way things are run in their home states, instead of running off looking for a better life?" But then he'd see the answer is the number of folks who live on the gob'mint teats in those states and will continue to vote the party line..

The bad news is, when they immigrate to the Red states, they bring their Blue state demands and expectations with them and dilute the conservative ways of the Red States --- pretty soon there ain't going to be any Red States to move to. Here in Texas, the metro areas of DFW, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio have already turned Democrat Blue -- can the State be far behind?

For the rest of Michael Barone's column go to at:

Obamanation doubles up for the fight against terrorism!!

It sure is good to know that the POTUS has doubled his TOTUS'S -- kinda' makes you feel all safe and comfortable, doesn't it!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

A Very Short Story !!!

A skilled and talented young man named Lem Calhoon hosts a blog called "" (you'll can link down there on that list to the right) and in his blog this week, he shared an encore presentation to a 'Very Short Story' he wrote 3 years ago.

It is not only well written, but particularly timely in this aftermath of the underpants suicide terrorist attempt. Enjoy - and share it with some of your ostrich friends - who say "It can't happen here." or 'It'll never happen!"

Friday, August 18, 2006

A very short story

The screener eyed the approaching couple with growing interest. Not because they seemed suspicious, but because the woman was so stunning. Long jet black hair cascading past a perfect olive-skinned face and the faintly oriental eyes bequeathed by Mongol conquerors to so many Middle Easterners. A slim waist, shapely hips and a truly impressive pair of breasts completed the picture of his dream woman. Well at least tonight’s dream woman.

The bloke she was with wasn’t bad either, if you were the type to notice other men. Hair and complexion to match the lady’s with a neatly trimmed beard. His clothing was expensive, as was hers. The man’s platinum Rolex would have set him back a year’s pay and if those sparklers around the woman’s neck were real you could add the next couple of years’ to it as well. Even the man’s eyeglasses had an expensive look about them.

“Sir, I’ll need you to empty your pockets and ma’am I’ll need to see your bag, and I’ll need both of your passports and boarding passes”, he said as they stepped up to his screening station. The man had nothing in his pockets but his wallet, real alligator, and his passport and boarding pass. Their documents showed their names to be Andrés and Fatimah Siddig. The screener had pegged them for Saudis but their passports were American, from Atlanta.

As he looked through the Mrs. Siddig’s bag he found a zippered leather case bearing the logo of one of the most expensive hotels in London. He opened it and found a woman’s manicure kit complete with scissors and metal nail files. “Ma’am I’m afraid this can’t go on the plane. You may have heard that we’re on a higher state of alert; today being September eleventh and all.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry” the woman said. Her voice was just as amazing as the rest of her. The image that came to the screener’s mind was of liquid silver. “I bought it at the hotel shop and didn’t think to leave it at the hotel for the maid. You keep it and give it to your wife”.

“I’m sorry. We’re not allowed to keep things like this. It’ll have to be tossed.” He gestured to the wire basket in which items like that were to be placed. She nodded and he tossed it in, intending to retrieve it later and give it to his wife. He next drew out a paperback book, a current best seller, and another zippered leather case. This one was made of a much finer grade of leather than the other and had a gold monogram adorning it. He opened it and found a blood glucose meter, ampules of insulin and syringes.

“It’s mine.” The man said, speaking for the first time. “My wife carries it for me. If you look in the pocket there you’ll find the doctor’s paperwork.”

The screener checked and confirmed that the man was carrying the correct paperwork to testify that he was and insulin dependant diabetic and that his kit was legally prescribed by a physician. Even then he made the man prick his finger and demonstrate that the glucose meter was for real.

The man spoke as he was waiting for the meter to give its result. “I’ve also just had a pacemaker put in. The metal detector isn’t supposed to interfere with it, but it will likely set the thing off so you might want to just wand me.”

The screener nodded his understanding to the man and finished inspecting the woman’s bag. He found nothing but her wallet containing her driver’s license and credit cards and a travel box of tampons. He motioned her through the metal detector and watched as the lights told him that she didn’t have enough metal on her body to constitute a weapon. He handed her belongings to her and took his wand from its holster to process her husband.

The husband passed as well, after opening his shirt to show the still recent looking surgical scar where his pacemaker was implanted. Retrieving his belongings he took his wife’s hand and they proceeded to the jet way to board their flight. The last thought the screener had of them was that money, looks and a hot wife weren’t everything. Diabetes and a bum heart were heavy loads to carry around. His wife wasn’t much to look at and his job sucked, but at least he had his health.

On the plane, a Continental 787 Dreamliner, a steward helped them find their first class seats and settle in. The flight, number 701 from London to Atlanta, took off on time, 9:15 PM local time. Since it was a late flight the meal was served as soon as they had reached their cruising altitude over the North Atlantic. The stewardess served them chicken Kiev and white wine. She later brought them complementary glasses of champagne. They watched the in-flight movie, a romantic comedy of the type that Americans call a “date movie” and then assumed a pose of relaxation. The stewardess noticed that they seemed to constantly hold hands.

Four hours later, after 1:00 AM to the biological clocks of Flight 701’s passengers, the man and woman, whose passports identified them as Andrés and Fatimah Siddig, arose and made their way to the lavatories at the end of the cabin. Looking around furtively they slipped into the same washroom. A businessman, bleary after three bourbons, turned at the sound of movement and caught Mr. Siddig’s eye. Mr. Siddig, whose real name was Mohammed Bouyeri, smiled and winked at the businessman and shut and locked the lavatory door.

“Mile High Club,” the businessman muttered as he adjusted his pillow and settled back to let the liquor carry him off to sleep.

Inside the cramped compartment “Mrs. Siddig”, whose real name was Wafa Bouyeri, sat on the toilet and opened her purse. She drew out the leather case containing the diabetic supplies and an airsickness bag which she had placed there shortly after boarding. As her husband filled one of the syringes she unbuttoned her expensive silk blouse and unhooked her brassiere. Her bare breasts still showed signs of the surgery which had transformed them from B cup to D size.

Mohammed took off his eyeglasses and popped one of the lenses out of the expensive gold frame. He gripped the piece of glass in both hands and applied pressure. It easily snapped in two along the bifocal dividing line giving him two cutting edges each as sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel.

Looking his beloved wife in the eye he told her, “My dearest love. You know that you will feel no pain and we will be apart only for a little while. Wait for me at the gates of Paradise.”

“I will wait for you my only love.” She responded as she tightened her narrow leather belt around her arm, causing a vein to rise.

Mohammed picked up the syringe and injected his wife with pure heroin. A look of bliss spread across her face then she briefly convulsed and was dead. Mohammed did not know if anyone had heard the little noise that his wife had made as she died, but he felt the need to hurry, both to ensure that his mission would not be interrupted and because he wanted to join her as soon as possible.

Picking up one of his glass “knives” he made an incision on his wife’s left breast which exposed the implant. He carefully drew the bag of fluid out and placed it in the sink. He repeated the process on the right breast, a procedure that he had practiced three times on dead bodies, and placed the other implant in the sink. He then washed the blood from his hands and the implants.

Carefully making a slit in one of the implants he squeezed the fluid out of it into the airsickness bag. The contents of the other implant soon joined it. A chemical odor filled the small lavatory.

Next the man removed his shirt and took the other ampule out of the leather case and filled another syringe from it. He injected the local anesthetic into his chest near the scar left from his “pacemaker” surgery. He did this not because he feared pain, but because what he had to do was so very important that he could not afford unsteady hands.

Taking his “knife” he slit his flesh along the scar, wincing a bit because the anesthetic hadn’t had time to take full effect, and pulled the modified pacemaker out. Taking the end of his eyeglass’s earpiece he inserted it into a slot on the pacemaker and twisted. If everything worked as it was supposed to the device was now armed.

Uncoiling the wires attached to the little electronic unit he placed them into the bag of liquid explosive. Using his glasses again he activated another control on the heavily modified device causing it’s built in defibrillator to discharge. The loop of wire submerged in the volatile mixture heated to white hot detonating the liquid bomb.

His last thought, before death was of his and Wafa’s 10 year old son, which they had deposited with relatives in Gaza after receiving the promise that he would be raised to become a suicide bomber.

The wreckage of the plane plunged into the marshland of Eastern North Carolina not far from the mouth of the Cape Fear River.

This action was repeated nine other times that morning on airliners flying into or over the United States of America. All of the planes blew up within 15 minutes of each other. On an eleventh plane, bound from Rome to New York, the bombers were stopped by a vigilant flight attendant backed up by two United States Marines who were flying home on leave.

At noon, Eastern Standard Time, a package was delivered to the Al-Jezzra office in Dubai. The package contained 11 “martyrdom tapes” made by the bombers and one tape by Osama bin Laden claiming responsibility.

Now then Pilgrims, if that yarn don't get ya' to scratchin' your heads... and thinking..... I don't know what will... Thanks Lem!!!

Michael Ramirez has the answer to today's question - "How Cold is it?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Great Column in today!

Larry Elder has a great column in today. At the risk of being chastised, I am gonna paste it here for y'all to peruse.

Sarah Palin: Wrong Prescription for America?
Larry Elder
Thursday, January 07, 2010

"Sarah Palin, do you guys really like her?"

My dad's doctor asked me this a couple of weeks ago. His smile seemed to shout, "Are you guys crazy?" I had taken my 94-year-old Republican father to see him several times, but politics never came up. Did the doc really want to go there? It went something like this:

"What's the problem with her?" I said.

"Well, she's, she's --"


"All right."

"Really? Why, because she isn't as glib or articulate as you elites like? She didn't answer Katie Couric or Charlie Gibson the way President Obama would have?"

"Yes -- I'm one of those elites."

"How stupid do you have to be to take on the establishment in Alaska and win? How stupid do you have to be to have -- at the time Republican presidential candidate John McCain picked her -- an 84 percent popularity rating in Alaska? She had more executive experience than Obama."

"Well, she doesn't come across as prepared."

"I don't know what qualities you look for. But I'll tell you what counts for me: character, competence and vision. She's likable. She has a strong, stable marriage with a down-to-earth husband. She has convictions that I agree with. Government too big? Check. People taxed too much? Check. Stay on offense in the war on terror? Check. For me, what's not to like?"

"I'd worry about her judgment."

"Do you worry about Vice President Joe Biden's?"

"No, why should I?"

"Where do I start? Put aside all the gaffes. He's the one who, during their debate, cited the wrong part of the Constitution when asked to describe the role of the vice president. As a new member of Congress, he voted to cut off funding to the South Vietnamese. This helped lead to the slaughter of millions in that country and Cambodia. Biden routinely challenged President Ronald Reagan on fighting the Cold War, even though even some Reagan haters now believe Reagan's policies helped speed up the fall of the Soviet Union. Biden opposed the first Gulf War. Wrong. He supported the Iraq War, then argued that Iraq should be divided into three parts, then opposed the surge -- said it wouldn't work -- and then opposed the war that he earlier voted for. Wrong."

"C'mon, you're entitled to change your opinion."

"You are. But we are talking about judgment. And Palin has taken a consistent and defensible position on the war. You may disagree, but at least she's clear. And the surge did work. Iraq might just make it. We'll see what the Middle East is like in 20 years. So far this month (of December), zero coalition combat deaths in Iraq. Pretty impressive."

"Yeah, it is."

"And I don't know how you feel about abortion. But Palin is, as I'm sure you know, strongly pro-life. She learns she's pregnant with a child with Down syndrome. Even many pro-lifers would have aborted that child. Palin didn't. That's talking the talk and walking the walk, and yes, 'us guys' think it's admirable."

"I, I don't know whether she's bright enough."

"And a lot of people on the left thought President George W. Bush was dumb, too. Are you one of them?

"I admit it."

"Did you know he had better grades in college than Al Gore?"

"He did?"

"Did you know he scored higher on his military IQ test than did John Kerry?"


"Did you know he got a higher SAT score than did Rhodes scholar Bill Bradley?"


"Obama is clearly smart," I said.

"Yeah, and he doesn't turn people off. He's brilliant."

"OK. And it took Obama nearly three months to decide how to respond to the request for more troops in Afghanistan. In making important decisions -- things that matter -- a president spends more time than it takes to answer a reporter's question on what the 'Bush Doctrine' means. Oh, and about turning people off, Palin's popularity is now about equal to Obama's."

"Well, I just feel more comfortable with him."

"Would you feel comfortable with him if he were a low-tax, low-regulation, limited-government, strong-national-security Republican -- same guy, different views?"

"Probably not."

"OK, then this is really about ideology."

"Well --" he laughed.

"Were you OK with bailing out all those banks?"

"No, but Bush did it, too."

"He shouldn't have, but how we got there is about government butting into the housing business. What about bailing out GM?"


"Do you think the stimulus package truly 'created or saved' a bunch of jobs?"


"Are you OK with ObamaCare?"

Dad's doctor suddenly turned into Mr. Hyde. He teed off on the government dictating how he should practice medicine. He predicted that costs would go up, not down. He predicted that quality would go down, not up. He talked about the importance of the profit incentive.

"Sarah Palin feels the same way you do."

As for my dad, some swelling, occasional dizziness -- not bad for a 94-year-old. Thank you for asking.

"" is a great source for conservative voices and breaking news. If it's isn't already on your short list, it should be!! Check it daily!!

Did you ever wonder......?

Just how many Cabinet Members, (you know those guys that make all of the important decisions about our daily lives) ever had 'real' jobs. As in the private sector......... not gob'mint, non-profits, ACORNS, etc?

Here is the % for each of our elected Presidents.over the past several decades...

Roosevelt - 38%

Taft - 40%

Wilson - 52%

Harding - 49%

Coolidge - 48%

Hoover - 42%

FDR - 50%

Truman - 50%

Eisenhower - 57%

Kennedy - 30%

LBJ - 47%

Nixon - 53%

Ford - 42%

Carter - 32%

Reagan - 56%

GHWB - 51%

Clinton - 39%

GWB - 55%

And the Winner Winner Chicken Dinner is......

Obama - 8%

YEP, EIGHT PERCENT !!!!!!!!!!!!

And these are the guys holding a "job summits" to save our national bid'ness health and create jobs!

This ought to go really well!!!! I'm gonna go out on a limb here, I know, but I'm gonna go ahead and predict.... WE'RE SCREWED !!!!!

So, HEY, how's that "Hope n Change" workin' out for ya?