Wednesday, January 27, 2010

About this State of the Union speech falderol.....

General George Washington started this annual trek to Capital Hill because he was still trying to get the Congress to agree to some needed things for our young Democratic Republic. And he want to explain them in person.

Our third President, the very wise Thomas Jefferson, thought it was all too Kingly and all and just sent his annual message down in written form where somebody read it to the Congress. Makes a lot of sense to me. That lasted a hundred years - but then old Progressive academician Woodrow Wilson decided he ought to deliver it in person --- and so, every president of the 20th Century did as well.

Now, here we are, 220 years removed from General George's first visit.... and our elected President will jump in his motorcade, with posse in tow, and TOTUS at the ready - to go through this charade once again. He will mouth the words on his TOTUS and over state his accomplishments as well as his plans, side-step his failures, point fingers at others, pause for applause whilst Biden and Pelosi behind him jump up and down like their pants are on fire, take his bows and head back down to the other end of of Pennsylvania Avenue where all his lackeys will tell him how great he was.

Meanwhile, all of TV's talking heads will tell us what they think he really said because we are too stupid to understand, while his spin-meisters try to tell us what he actually meant.... and tomorrow will be business as usual.

Kind of like the annual Hollywoody awards shows, where they all clean & sober themselves up and tell each other how great they are, or were, or will be.

Nowadays of course, the 'out' party gets to broadcast a response to the State of the Union speech. Whoever draws the short straw has to stand in an empty room and talk to a camera, no applause, no jumping up and down, no response. They ought to at least let him give it in the shower stall where we all sound better than we really are.

I have high hopes that the new Governor of Virginia will ring out with positive Republican goals and offer solutions to the problems of the day. It's time to stop being the party of 'NO' and time to become the party of "GO"! If I don't hear what I hope to hear, tune in here again tomorrow and I'll share my humble opinion of what the new Republican Platform and Plans ought to be.

Have a good evening now, hear? There are always good movies on the back channels.........

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