Thursday, January 14, 2010

When you are a Dem, and a AAA rated Liberal ......

.... and the Los Angeles Times (West Coast DNC Party Info Sheet) turns on you --- you know you are headed for that ditch on the left side of the road!!

The Times headline today in their political section:

Joe Biden update: He meets on transparency today. But the meeting is closed.

Everybody should just relax and take it easy.

Unsubstantiated rumors that Vice President Joe Biden had suddenly gone a little loopy and ordered some of his official meetings opened to at least cursory public or media attention were just that -- unsubstantiated rumors.

After a recent public sighting, fears had mounted that the one-time, long-term senator might rebel against traditional White House strictures and start acting on all the administration's oft-promised promises of government transparency and official openness running back into 2008.

But the VP's public schedule today puts all those fears to rest.



In the morning, the President and the Vice President will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing and the Economic Daily Briefing in the Oval Office. These briefings are closed press.

At 11:30 AM, the Vice President will meet with Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood to discuss the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This meeting is closed press.

Afterwards, the President and the Vice President will have lunch in the Private Dining Room. This lunch is closed press.

At 1:00 PM, the Vice President will meet with Iraqi Vice President Adil Abd al-Mahdi in the Roosevelt Room. There will be a pool spray at the bottom of this meeting; gather time is 1:45 PM in the Brady Briefing Room.

Then, at 2:15 PM, the Vice President will meet with Earl Devaney, chairman of the Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board. This meeting is closed press. ###

Even his meeting on 'Transparency and Accountability are closed to the press!!! I reckon we can expect bid'ness as usual from the Obamanation Crowd..... "Americans are mushrooms, so keep 'em in the dark and regularly cover them with bullshit!!!"

For the whole article, go here:

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