Thursday, January 21, 2010

What a pleasant surprise.....

Now that the dust has settled and Scott Brown is a Senator-Elect, not a candidate. I checked out a couple of Massachusetts papers looking to see if the 'dirt' was being uncovered and shoveled with both hands.

The B
oston Herald, an even handed (well, I reckon some would say it tilts a little right) newspaper had several nice pieces including a column on how well liked Brown is in his home community of Wrentham. I kept waiting for a zinger - but none there!

So I jumped over to this mornings Boston Globe, a typical MSM paper with a serious tilt to the left.... once again - several nice
articles on how he ran the race -- and then a nice column with several comments from his friends and fellow Wrenthamites..... not a discouraging word. Best quote of the day, from the mechanic that works on the Senator's pick-up truck -- "The president said we should look at that truck -- I do, every time I service it, and it's a smooth running machine with 200,000 honest miles on it!" Or words to that effect.

I remain hopeful that the national rags, NY Times, the Washington Post, et al, don't spend big bucks trying to trash him like they did Governor Palin. He won guys, get over it!!!

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