Sunday, March 15, 2015

Military vets appreciate subtle story behind picture....

Baby Clevenger cloaked in good hands!
By now most (if not all) of you have seen this picture that went viral on the Internet. Active duty Navy Vet Rodney Clevenger posed with his newborn baby wrapped in a hammock of the United States Flag!

Comments across the blogs have covered the gamut from rude/profane all the way to 'Aw shucks - that's gorgeous'....

I belong to several military chat rooms inhabited only by Vets and Retired Military Vets. If you never served in uniform - go somewhere else, thank you.  
I ran a survey and asked for their response to this picture --- and am pleased to report that in 72 hours the vote turned out like this:
41 - » Hey, it's a cute pic, Dad's intent was good, no harm - no foul!
All of which goes to show me that across the board, our US servicemen/women who wore the uniform and actually contributed to the protection and contined safety of that American Flag can appreciate the warm feeling the picture intends...  And all the pencil necked, draft dodging, phony baloney, rock & roll hypocrites can go fly a kite - instead of a flag!!
So there!!

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