Thursday, January 15, 2015

State of the Union Address --- or Christmas Tree Wish List.....

Now that it's become obvious what the Community Organizer currently occupying the Oval Office is up to --- look for a State of the Union address that looks like Tiny Tim's wish list for Santa!

POTUS with the TOTUS
For the last four years - while Obamanation's Veto pen, aka Dingy Harry, handled all the no's by sitting on them -- (345 bills I think?) Obie hisself has been call the GOP  the party of no -- the block to government progress..  

But now, with the GOP owning both Houses and the Bills about to start piling up in his in-basket (which he will veto) -- BO needs a side show to steer folks attention away from hisself!  Thus, we are seeing virtual drooling of happy programs spewed by the POTUS.

FREE COLLEGE - He knows we can ill afford another $60 billion dollar giveaway but it sounds good and when the grown-ups in the Congress say no--- he'll be on his soap box about those evil tightfisted Republicans.

*an aside here - are you aware that college tuitions have grown by 1000% (yes thousand percent) since '78.... nothing else approaches that.  What do you think will happen to tuitions when gob'mint starts throwing another sixty billion tax bucks a year into the pot?

Mandatory Paid Six Week Parental family time (he doesn't even call it maternity leave -- hell, let private companies foot the bill for both Moms and Dads (and Moms #2 or Dads #2) ... WTH - it ain't his money.  Again, wiser heads will prevail -and again BO-no will point his accusatory finger at the GOP....

And so it will go -- take pen & pad in hand when you watch the SOTU address and keep a running tally -- he's running short of time...and getting desperate. That is, of course, unless you have something better to do with your time that evening - like darning socks, or reading a good book...

Personally, I'll wait for the Cliff Notes and ledgers to show up the next day -- it's much less painful than watch the Red frocked Shiela Jacksons and Ditzy Botox Nancy's sucking up to him and Moochelle Antoinette..... 

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