Monday, October 22, 2012

Keep your friends close - but your 'frenemies' even closer....

Multi-millionaire Barack Hussein Obama, running like hell for re-election, sent his new found friend, Hellary's man, and fellow multi-millionaire, Bill Clinton on the campaign trail to support his (Bo's) re-election.

This is but one small bite of those stump speeches ----

Now, this begs the question Pilgrims....  if you were in that audience, at that rally, and your wife had been laid off two years ago, you were laid off last year and are now working two part time jobs just to hang on to your house and car.....

And some former goat roper from Arkansas, who lost his law license as well as the dignity of the Oval Office,  who is now  making $80 million a year making speeches around the world, and was trying to get you to vote for a former community organizer who is now making millions of dollars per year and who is guaranteed to make more for the rest of his life........  

How impressed would you be with this admonition to 'quit demanding that the economy be turned around, jobs created, the national debt slowed' by 'the day before yesterday'????

Hmmm, Friend to Obama or Fremeny?

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