Monday, July 2, 2012

I owe Paris Hilton an apology --

I've often accused her of being one of the dimmest bulbs on the porch!

But somebody in the White House, Congress or the DOD makes her look like a rocket scientist in comparison to them -- in these days of DOD budget cuts, gigantic deficits, borrowing Chinese money --- the DOD just sent our Pacific Carrier Strike Group out to sea for maneuvers armed with 900,000 gallons of fuel comprised of chicken fat and algae and seeds. And that ain't the half of it, you silly taxpayers...

The Navy paid $26 per gallon for that fuel --- as in $23,400,000 (millions) for that 'green fuel' as opposed to $3,240,000 for standard fuel at $3.40 per gallon.

Thus, ergo and hence, you husbands, sons, & daughters are taking off of air craft carriers in their fighter planes fueled with chicken fat to prove that we have the greenest navy on earth...... or something?

Not to mention that $20,160,000 in wasted tax dollars.... Take that!!

Who said the inmates aren't in charge???

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