Friday, August 5, 2011

Poor ole' Jimmah Carter ...

As I took the day off in here yesterday to sit and tearfully watch the Dow do a swan dive -- with HOPE not to see all my CHANGE go down the toilet..... I thought to myself --- 'Self - you are watching another Jimmah Carter record going down the toilet'.... it was on his watch, the last time the Market plummeted for NINE STRAIGHT DAYS!!

Ye Gads, was that 30 years ago already? Seems like his disastrous four years just ended a while ago and now..... we've gone and done it to ourselves again.

The hundreds of times in here that I have addressed 'The One', as Obamanation -- I had no idea that for the nation - it would come to pass....

Today is Friday, will this be the all time record setting Tenth Day of Dow Dipping? I'd like to think not -- however I think today is the day that the number of new jobs created in the Nation is announced........ That doesn't bode well.

Stay tuned, don't worry, be happy! There is some good news --- the 'Dear One' is going on a taxpayer's paid bus trip fer a while -- maybe he'll quit hitting all those buttons in the Oval Office.

I reckon Ole' Jimmah must be Barry's biggest fan! Jimmah's moving up a notch on the worst presidents list.......... rapidly!

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