Friday, August 5, 2011

Which came first, the Senator or the State?

The man currently taking up otherwise useful space in the Oval Office just now, used to be the Junior Senator from Illinois.... you know - that borderline bankrupt state in the Mid-West. His prior job was as a state senator in that same state.... I know this only because after a series of 'Present' votes, he finally took a stand and voted FOR an Illinois State law that made it legal for a licensed medical doctor to take a tiny human being that had survived the trauma of abortion -- and throw it on a shelf until it expired! (That means --- dead!!!)

Yeah, that guy!

Well, it turns out that although the average political IQ in the State of Illinois should have risen when he departed the State, it apparently hasn't. I read today that the School District of Elgin, Illinois has serious financial problems. So serious in fact, that they have fired school crossing guards, art and phys-ed teachers, and even extended school pick-up spots to save money and let the tykes walk further.

Bless their hearts -- are they fiscally responsible or what? Oh yes, I reckon I ought to point out that despite this shortage of funds, the school board just voted unanimously to create a new 'Chief of Equity & Social Justice' position. They then hired Chicagoland's Ushma Shah to fill the an annual salary and benefits cost of $132, 450 per year......... the first year that is!

Now like you, I wondered what exactly does a Chief of Equity & Justice do? So I Googled and discovered that thousands of others wondered as well. Click here for a summary of how the Courier News defines it....... although I think the second paragraph says it all!

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