Monday, July 18, 2011

When you run out of OPM (Other People's Money) it's time to put up or . .. . . . . . .. . .

In the quaint town of Rocky Hill, Massachusetts, there is a connecting ferry (see picture) to across the Connecticut River to Glastonbury.

Now this lil' ole ferry ain't nothing to look at, only runs during the summer season and serves no required service.... just a touristy thing.

There are a couple hard facts that everybody agrees on:

Although this ferry service has been running for 350 years, (before bridges and autos) that little tugboat and flat deck ain't the ferry of yesteryear. The original wooden ferry was oared across.

Although a local tourist attraction, running this cute little seasonal ferry is costing the state gob'mint $350,000 per year........ in a state staring at a $1.5 billion shortfall..

So the Gob'nor has scrubbed it from the budget. The locals are immediately up in arms -- "No No, you can't do that!", they cry.

Wiser heads are saying, if it's a tourist attraction and income source for Rocky Hill and Glastonbury -- turn it over to them and let them run it..............and pay for it!

Being a high minded, tight fisted conservative I'd agree! But then one could ask - why should the good citizens of Rocky Hill and Glastonbury ---- and Texas and the rest of the country have had to pony up $22 Billion dollars for that folly known as 'Big Dig' in Boston. A tunnel built to replace an ugly overhead highway? With Federal tax dollars......

I don't reckon folks are even allowed to ask what happened to the acres and acres of prime property that were made available by tearing down the old overhead highway.... and who profited from their development......

And on it goes......... Just thinking out loud - Pilgrims.... don' pay me no mind.

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