Monday, July 18, 2011

48 Democrat Senators Earn 'Hypocrite of the Year' Award

These last few weeks we've heard Obamanation berating all those rascally Republicans who are reluctant to raise the federal debt limit without some trades for budget cuts. We've also heard 'Chuck-you Schumer, Turban Durbin, Dingy Harry Reid' and the rest of the whiny crew demagoguing the issue where ever they can find a microphone or two people standing around minding their own bid'ness.......

Y'all remember when the Lone Ranger program used to start with the announcer saying, "We now return to the days of yesteryear.. when men were men......etc'

Well, Pilgrims, let me take you back just to March 16, 2006 (a mere five years) to the floor of the United States Senate - where the Dear One, Schumer, Durbin, Reid,......... indeed - every last Democrat in the US Senate voted "NAY" on the Joint Resolution to raise the debt ceiling.

They not only voted NAY as a bloc vote, they individually stood and railed against it....

These are those self same Dimmocrat Senators that are screaming that the GOP is trying to ruin the country by not raising the debt limit by several TRILLION DOLLARS past it's current record breaking $14 Trillion Dollars.

But hell, don't believe Ole Pecozbill, click here and go to the official record of the US Senate!!!

Then listen to these demagoguing charlatans with a fresh ear today......

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