Saturday, July 16, 2011

Detroit justice in the news again..... the BAD news, that is!!!

You remember Pilgrims, back on July 9th (down below) when I pointed out that city bureaucrats had threatened the lady with the good looking vegetable garden in her front yard with 90 days in jail for not planting grass? Apparently, after all the national attention, the local garden Nazis backed off! But wait. now they have been peeking thru her windows er something, and think she has an unregistered dog, er something.... and they are issuing her another citation that could land her in jail!

What the hell is going on up there --- the city's unemployment is rampant, demolished buildings are the natural landscape, graffiti covers every thing...

Oh, and just in case you think it's only in the streets, here's a story for you! A young Detroit lady was kidnapped, held and repeatedly raped, beaten with a chair and a two by four, and escaped. Frightened though she was - she appeared in court to testify against the rapist. When the rapists attorney tried to beat her down with words implying that 'she asked for it', the young lady mouthed an epithet... called the defense attorney a bitch.... imagine that -- and then immediately apologized.

The judge, that pillar of justice in the Detroit community immediately sentenced her to three days (and nights) in jail for contempt of court! And the victim didn't even call her (the judge) a bitch... unfortunately.

So she was placed in a cell IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO HER ATTACKER for two days and two nights with his threats before publicity again came to the rescue and the judge let her out on the last day!!

Go here for the full story and a video of the news report...... BTW, is this the city where the Mayors are two termed, one term in office and the next term in jail?

What the hell is happening to this country of ours..... it ain't the America I grew up in!!!!

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