Friday, July 8, 2011

Project Gunrunner or Fast & Furious?

By any name, this insane gob'mint action is looking more and more like government departments running amok ........!

I'm not going to repeat the insanities here -- If you want to stay ahead of the story, just Google, "project gunrunner" and then stand back and take your choice. Apparently, $10,000,000 (million) tax payer dollars were allocated and buried in the Porkulus Bill back in 2009 to pay for buying up weapons and distributing them to gangsta's from below the Mexican - American border.

Like Watergate, it appears that the bigger crimes are in the cover-up or the cover-up of the cover-up! Makes Iran-Contra scandal look like spilled tea at a baby shower!

Unfortunately, we can on the Main Stream Media to close ranks and protect their Dear One in the White House and his lackey in the Justice Department..... Are there any real investigative reporters left in the land?

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