Saturday, July 9, 2011

At any level, bureaucrats are a blight on the landscape and the conscience!!!

Take a close look at that house on the right, Pilgrims!! That neat little brick home is in the Detroit suburb of Oak Park, Michigan. It seems that the lady of the house decided after her front yard was torn up to replace a sewer line --- to plant this neat and productive garden instead of grass and bushes.

Apparently, one of the local bureaucrats (on steroids) of the Planning Department took offense and issued her first a warning to tear it out, and then a citation for not doing so.

Because she didn't roll over on her heels after all her work, and has chosen to fight it and asked for a jury trial, the city bureaucrat (using taxpayer money) is planning to throw the book at her - she is facing 90 days in jail if she loses.

So instead of being presented the 'Yard of the Month' Award she deserves, she gets knocked about by the 'system' and it's pushy employees. All of you who have seen the pictures of the burned out, graffiti painted, boarded up houses and buildings in the Detroit area will see the surreal circumstances here!

For the original story source, click here. Hold your breath when you see the headline, lest you fall on the floor rolling and laughing.

For those of you who haven't noticed that Detroit looks worse today than Berlin did in 1945, click here.

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