Friday, July 8, 2011

Chinese stoicism replaced by Simon Legree tendencies?

For centuries, between dynasties, the Chinese were famous the world over for their patience, understanding and stoicism in the face of criticism. Is that coming to an end now that they hold the mortgages and T-Bill notes on the world's democracies?

PM Cameron, on a recent visit to China, thoughtlessly questioned the Chinese stand on human rights. This has happened in the past by unthinking Westerners.... but usually they are bright enough to speak thus on their own shores, not their hosts. It used to be overlooked. But no more.

This reaction can range from mere pique to full-blown outrage. Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of China most undiplomatically and antagonistically attacked the UK government of his host, PM David Cameron, during a joint press conference in London. The issue of such great importance to comrade Wen was last year’s statement by Cameron during his own Beijing visit in which he criticized China’s human rights policy. The clear implication of Wen’s remarks was that this was none of Britain’s affair and that this type of "interference" could impede China/UK trade relations.

Both Prime Ministers realize of course, that this 'trade' is a whole lot more important to Britain than it is to China.......... Now comes the question of the Dalai Lama's visit to the USA.

(Reuters) - China's Foreign Ministry warned U.S. officials on Thursday not to meet with visiting exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, saying it hoped Washington "appropriately dealt" with Tibet-related issues.

Is that the sound of an Oriental money lending tiger, stretching and yawning that I hear? I remember hearing in my youth that the real 'Golden Rule' is: "Those with the gold, make the rules."

Perhaps there are more dangers to this gross indebtedness hole into which we are digging ourselves deeper and deeper than we first thought . ??


Pierre Giguere said...

Regarding the issue of human rights, the Chinese would undoubtedly relish comments from the tens of thousands of minority members emprisoned in the U.S. for drug-related charges that should be dealt with through prevention and therapy. And what about jails being privately owned and being dutifully filled by such minor offenders for the sake of profit?

Pecozbill said...

Great comment, Pierre...

And the one - has what do to with the other? Americans in American prisons for breaking American drug laws (right or wrong) and China's reaction to comments made by a British Prime Minister.....??

I fail to see the link....