Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Don't get me wrong here, Pilgrims...........

Ole' Pecoz ain't got round heels for large corporations, nor do I think that big oil companies are the cats meow!!

But with all the hot air blustering out of the Oval Office and the lefty sides of the House and Senate, I decided to take a look at some real numbers.. To hear them pols whining, you'd think that ExxonMobil was today's version of the robber barons of olde.

Now, I don't think for a minute that they are princes, but looking at this summary chart, I am looking at a global conglomerate that took in $114 billion buckaroos from around the world. Apparently they paid 25% of that in taxes and tariffs to gob'mints and managed a 10% profit for their shareholders after taxes and expenses.

If there is something wrong with this bid'ness ethic -- I wish somebody would show me. On the other hand.......

As I understand it, General Electric - those folks with either Obamanation in their pocket or them in his pocket (I'm never sure with that shell game) , apparently paid no taxes on it's $14.2 billion profits, not a penny!! -- but I hear no ranting and raving from the White House or Schumer or Reid.

I wonder why?

Maybe they ain't 'donating' enough to BO and the DNC?

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