Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Best & Worst!!!

Here in this one item, I will nominate my choices for Best Story of the Day and Worst Story of the Day......... and link you to each of them.

For Best Story, we go to Phriendly Philly, city of brotherly love, where a 42 year old career criminal tried to purse snatch from a very pregnant young 28 year old gal. She got a broken wrist, a cast, and a trip home to wait to go to court to testify ---- the bad guy got his leg broken in two places by her kick, hospitalized and awaiting arraignment on 1 August.

I'd just love for him to limp into his cell with his new roomie, Bubba Gorilla, and 'splain how he happened to get caught and locked up....... click here for whole great story!

For the Worst Story - we travel down to Lexington KY for the Blue Grass Fair. They have introduced a new game to take your money this year. Yep, a Casey Anthony look alike - in a dunking booth. You pays yer money and you try to dunk the unconvicted trollop.

Whatever we think of her, she was tried by the media and found guilty, tried by a jury of her peers and found not guilty.... and now the Lexington KY Lions Club is exploiting her and Caylee's woes with this dunking booth.. I wonder what they are telling the little kids in their arms as they throw baseballs at the evil Casey twin....... sick, folks...... just sick! Click here for the rest of this sorry story!

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