Monday, July 18, 2011

Poor little rich girl turned richer woman, Jane Fonda......

.... thinks she's being censored because QVC cancelled her schedule to peddle her newest say nothing book. She blames 'well funded and organized political extremist groups'!!!

I reckon if she considers all of the American Vets that served in the Vietnam era, and those who served before the Vietnam era and those who served after the Vietnam era - and who collectively saw her for what she was and did ------- a 'political extremist group'...... she'd be right.

"Hanoi Jane" makes the Dixie Chicks look like the Mormon Choir!!!

She's the perfect example of those celebrities that defile the freedom of speech rights that these Vets gave their lives to protect, for her and them, and then wonder why they turn their backs on her!!

Go back to Hollywood Janie - with all your fellow travelers!! If they are back from hugging Hugo Chavez and all..... Don't look for any sympathy from us.......

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