Sunday, June 19, 2011

High speed train lunacy hits high speed of it's own.....

High speed rail trains, that look so great speeding between those huge cities in Japan that are only miles apart --- continues to be the 'Cadillac' in the Jone's driveway.

If we are gonna keep up with them, we gotta have 'em too! Besides, there are Billion$ of buck$ to be skimmed off the top by our brothers-in-law with these projects....

Here is the perfect example of this criminal high-jinx. A proposed Iowa City to Chicago line that would actually be slower than........Existing Bus Service!!
The Washington Examiner has a great article this week, adapted well by (linked below):

"the U.S. Transportation Department is dangling money before the government of Iowa seeking matching funds from the state for a high-speed rail line from Iowa City to Chicago. The “high-speed” trains would average 45 miles per hour and take five hours to reach Chicago from Iowa City. One might wonder how big the market for this service is, since Iowa City and Johnson County have only 130,882 people; add in adjoining Linn County (Cedar Rapids) and you’re only up to 342,108—not really enough, one would think, to supply enough riders to cover operating costs much less construction costs.

Oh, one other thing. Cox reports that there is already luxury bus service, with plus for laptops and wireless Internet, from Iowa City to Chicago. It’s part of a larger trend for private companies to offer convenient and inexpensive bus service. A one-way ticket on the bus costs $18, compared to a likely train fare of more than $50. And the bus takes only three hours and 50 minutes to get from Iowa City to Chicago. That’s one hour and 10 minutes faster than the “high-speed” train.

For more of this item, click here.... it gets better!!

When Obamanation talks about 'shovel ready', we know what he is really trying to shovel!!!

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