Monday, June 20, 2011

A new question in Presidential politics in America......

For as long as I can remember, the question that always seems to arise during the pre-primary and primary season for both parties has been; "Can't we do better?"

I reckon in the 2012 election presidential cycle that question should be reworded into: "Could we do worse?"

I look at the Republicans candidates, announced and unannounced, and say to myself, "Self - any one of those........ even the least of them..... could not possibly make a worse President that the one we currently have in the Oval Office screwing (up) the country!!

The same thing might be said of the Dimmocrat wannabe's...... could any one of them be worse for this country than the incumbent Obamanation that rules the roost? Hells Bells, even a walking punch line like 'Bite-Me' the Veep, would do less harm. Where is Jimmah Carter when we need him?

Back to the GOP. Looking at this list......

Although there are a couple of those candidates that I would choose over the others, there ain't one of 'em that I wouldn't choose in a Yankee minute over BO, The Destroyer of Jobs, Destructor of the USA, Ignorer of the Constitution!

Even Herman Cain the Pizza dude is more qualified.... at least he's run a successful bid'ness. Bo has destroyed more bid'nesses in two years, than Cain's stores made pizzas in the same period.

God help us all (if He's still talking to us) if we split the vote with a third party or sit on our hands because we don't prefer the selected candidate.......... !

Putting it another way, a castrated Anthony Weiner would do less harm to this country in the next four years than a re-elected Obamanation! With the law breaking and economic destruction BO has ravaged this country with over these first four years ------ just think of the damage he could do in a second term when he didn't have to worry about being reelected.

Lame duck my azz!! He'd be a hybrid "Alinsky/Lenin/Jackson" on steroids!! Start thinking about it now, Pilgrims, spread the word and keep the faith!!

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