Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Question of the day.....

After writing the post down below regarding the Porkulus Bill of almost a trillion dollars.... as in $854,000,000 of our grandchildren's tax dollars (plus interest of course) thrown out among Obamations cronies and fellow travelers....

I got to wondering ................??

Just suppose that instead of spending money we don't have, the administration and the congress had granted $854,000,000 worth of tax relief (yes - you can call 'em tax breaks) to companies that invested in their brick and mortar sites, hired new employees, expanded their inventory & operations and opened new enterprises..... just supposing!

I wonder how many jobs would have been created -- permanent, solid jobs in the private economy? Wage earning jobs where the employee pays income taxes. Would there have been a net balance?

Nah, never happen --- Obamanation's brand of socialism isn't about creating jobs in the private sector --- just those public sector, gob'mint employee types...

Oh, Never mind......!

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