Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A 'Rule Too Far'??

For years, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has grown and fed on itself like a tapeworm inside the Beltway. Originally established to monitor and execute the environmental laws from Congress and the POTUS, the department has taken on a life of it's own.

Every man, woman and child in this country has been effected by the EPA. At the gas pump, at the annual vehicle inspection station, in our electric bills, our water bills, our taxes, housing, grocery stores - everywhere. They brook no resistance from local or state gob'mints. Or even other Fed agencies.

But perhaps, they are now about to overstep so high a benchmark - that they will bring down their own house of cards.

In the last year, after a trillion dollar 'stimulus' spending spree -- we (the US) has suffered a net job loss in the hundreds of thousands.....

The EPA, however, is about to effect a new rule for standards for boilers (title too long) called Boiler MACT for short, which the EPA Administrator signed last April, and which will put entire industries out of bid'ness. And create a short term job loss of 800,000+ !!!! Note - this is a 'rule' from a gob'mint agency -- not legislation passed by our representatives in the congress.

The good news is that it has put CEO's, Unions, Industries, politicians and even academicians on the same side of the table.....! The other side!!

Let's hope this is the final straw - not just another straw.........!!!! Gonna be interesting to see if somebody blinks --- or pulls out their sword and draws a line in the sand.....

There are many links for more information, this is just one. Google will bring you more.

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