Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We are in good hands, Pilgrims!!

As the country wallows in debt, jobs disappear, unemployment money runs out -- we have our Obamanation appointed National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform working diligently to help solve our problems.

As a demonstration of such high thinking and deep concern, the National Organization for Women (NOW) will be delivering 1,500 baby bottle nipples to commission Co-chairman Alan Simpson today to protest his e-mail last month:

"It began last month when Simpson, a former Republican senator from Wyoming, sent an email to Ashley Carson, executive director of the Older Women’s League, saying that there were people on Social Security “who milk it to the last degree. You know ‘em too. It’s the same with any system in America. We’ve reached a point now where it’s like a milk cow with 310 million tits! Call when you get honest work!”

NOW, showing their usual clASS, calls it's campaign, "Tits for an Ass".

I reckon even if he'd of said the more familiar bovine term, teats, they'd still be milking this for more publicity.

Has anybody noticed NOW standing up proudly for the strong voice of Sarah Palin, or showing support for Christine O'Donnell, Carly Fiorina,, and the rest of the outstanding, strong women running for public offices across the land this year..... No? I thought not.

I reckon their slogan - is "keep 'em outta the kitchens, pregnant and in abortion clinics for annual appointments'. It's a strange country and a strange time.

Isn't even their name, 'National Organization FOR Women' kind an oxymoron?

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