Monday, September 20, 2010

Jumpin' Jaysus!!! Jimmah Carter was the first 'Tea Partier' !!

At least that's what he opines in a recent interview published by AP. Pimping his latest book, 'White House Diary' (damn, that's got to be a must read for geek historians only) he allowed as how he was the first:

"I was a candidate that was in some ways like the
tea party candidate," Carter said in an interview. "I was a complete outsider. I capitalized legitimately on the dissatisfaction that was permeating our society."

He said the tea party's momentum will likely wear off and they will be co-opted by the Republican Party.

Who knew? From Peanut Farmer to POTUS -- as a cult, not a leader (his words). By the way, Pilgrims, in the book, which won't even be a best seller in Plains Georgia, he still blames his disastrous landslide loss to RWR, the hostage crisis and the Kennedys. Anybody but himself and his own incompetence.

I look back with fond remembrance of his great years in the White House, 20% mortgage rates, stagflation, the national malaise...... yessir, it was everybody else's fault but Jimmah's!!

Ahh Yes........

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