Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dem's arrogance knows no bounds.....

Today, Wednesday- September 22, Dingy Harry Reid and his cronies have scheduled a debate on the Senate Floor .... the debate? The Disclose Act, a campaign reform bill that failed in July because the GOP saw it as 'pro-union' - anti-bid'ness political finance bill!

Two questions arise -- Why now, when they haven't even passed a budget bill? The answer of course --- politics as usual - the mid-terms are coming up!

Why have they put the vote on the debate off until tomorrow, Thursday - September 23? Why, hells bells, they are all leaving early today to go to New York City for a HIGH ROLLERS, FAT CATS only BIG BUCKS FUNDRAISER FOR THE DNC AND DNSC!!!

Then tomorrow, they'll be back, like the Cheshire cats, licking their lips after tonight's revelry and money grubbing ----- to vote on the DISCLOSE Act!!

What was that phrase voiced in the Congressional hearings back in the Fifties? Oh yeah--

For those of you with strong stomachs, the rest of the story is here at the Center for Competitive Politics.

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