Wednesday, September 15, 2010

American 'idol'??? Loses in court....

The TV show, American Idol, gave birth to the nation-wide raucous call of "Pants on the Ground'! I'll link it for you folks who might have missed it, cause it only lasted for 7.5 minutes instead of fifteen.

But back to the courtroom, a Minnesota Court of Appeals heard the appealed case of a lad who was arrested - told to 'get 'em up' by the police officer, and when he did, his saggy pants fell around his ankles. Apparently when the officer went to pull the trousers up, she discovered a loaded 38 caliber pistol in the pocket... and a resultant five year stretch to think about illegally carrying a weapon ensued.....

Click here for the whole story - by the way - the Appeals court found the officer to be correct.

and click here for a stirring rendition of "Pants on the Ground"....

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