Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The 'Day after the Primaries"......

...... and the lesson for the day, that the GOP hierarchy still doesn't get? PRAGMATISM - You are sooo yesterday!!

Once again across the country, but especially in neon lights in the teeny state of Delaware, the voters in the Republican primaries have shouted --- 'We want conservatives - We want conservatives!"

The Republican establishment, they of the newly identified 'Ruling Party', of course pooh poohed those hungry voters and said, "We know best. A liberal/moderate candidate is more electable in the general election, doncha' know."

Well Well. The votes are in, the ballots tallied, and the Tea Party's candidate, Christine O'Donnell kicked the establishment's favorite RINO right through the goal posts!!

Best headline of the day is on, "Delaware Crosses the Washington"

America as a whole, may not be ready to return completely to our Constitutional roots, but Left, Right and Center, everybody knows that there is a fundamental fault in the direction the Country is taking. They may not want the ship turned around, but they want an adult in the wheelhouse and the course corrected by several degrees!

So this morning, we see the Karl Roves, (he that turned 'W', a great governor, into a 'compassionate conservative' and Dem party suck up) wringing his hands and whining on TV. We see the chair of the Republican Senate Election Committee and the Republican leader in the Senate -- all having panic attacks ... 'the sky is falling, the sky is falling'!!

People to pragmatists... "Hello, if there is anybody home, read the headlines and learn!"

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