Thursday, September 16, 2010

Faster than a speeding bullet......

No, I ain't talking about Superman........ I'm talking about how fast a catch phrase or a nick-name can catch on.

The other day on Sean Hannity's show, a caller. commenting on Karl Rove's instant, personal and over the top attack on Christine O'Donnell (winner of the Delaware Republican senate primary) was so incensed - he coined the phrase, "Tokyo Rove". This instantly identifiable name caught everybody's attention......... including your humble host!

What an arrow! - aimed right at the gizzard of a guy who has been feeding at the trough of the Republican Party for years..... has become one of the 'Ruling Class' and now has the temerity to attack a fellow Republican's success over one of his favorite pet RINO's.

And in doing so - is giving aid and comfort to the enemy!!! In this case of course, that would be the Dim Dems and their fellow traveling uber-liberals.

I've heard of YouTube video's going viral, meaning that they got thousands of hits within a few days --- Well Pardners, when you get a minute, Google 'Tokyo Rove' and then stand back as the 125,000 hits pile up!!!!

Even an old mule gets the idea when he is slapped up aside his head with a two by four.... why is it that these entrenched RINOs just don't seem to 'get it'?

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