Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What is worse than being an American in a Mexican jail/???

Sgt Andy - field promotion
The only thing worse is being an honest to God US Marine war hero and vet, be held by Mexican jailers on a trumped up charge AND have the misfortune of having Debbie (Wasshershitz) Wasserman Schultz as your congressette person.....

Debbie the Lefty Ditz
Instead of using her position both in Congress and the DNC to aid Marine Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi, she is using it to help the Mexicans cover up their sins.  

For a brief summary of what this Jane Fonda cuzzin is is not doing, click here and read the back story.  It'll make your hair curl!   

Ms Wassherschtiz gives new levels of meaning to the old expression: "Beauty may only be skin deep, but ugly goes all the way to the bone!"  As does.......

The Sgt's Commander in Chief's wife!!!

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