Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Choke Points?

Sorry Gang, but I have to make a point to make a point here this morning....

Point #1 - one of the most dangerous and illegal police take down methods is the choke hold. This is where the perp's neck is placed in the vee of the law enforcement officer.s elbow, and pressure is applied to both sides of the neck to cut off blood supply to the brain and cause unconsciousness.  Click here..... 

Point #2 - one of the most dangerous and illegal Chicagoland style enforcement styles exercised by our sitting POTUS and his attorney general is called 'Choke Point'!  Yep, they actually named it that before God, the Constitution and the public's eyes. Although they don't like to talk about it...

What is Choke Point you ask?   Last year, by administrative fiat (read - Executive Order) the Chicago Community Organizer currently occupying the Oval Office directed the Attorney General's office and the FDIC to institute Operation Check Point.  The purpose of this non-congressionally approved action is to cut any bid'nesses that the Administration finds fault with -- off at the knees, financially.

For example, the Acme Payday Loan Company, down on the corner loans money at usurious, but legal, rates.  The POTUS doesn't think that's nice, but there is no law against it.  So, the AG goes to the FDIC (those folks who oversee and audit all the banks in the country) and these leg breakers disguised in pin striped blue suits, visit the local banks where the Pay Day loan guys do all their deposits, check clearing and other financial business.

"Nice little bank youse guys got here," sez bank examiner one to the local manager or bank president, "be a shame to see you have to lose it because of all the investigations, audits, and such like that we can pile on you!"

"Why would you do that?", asks the banker.

"Because you is doing bid'ness with that Acme Payday loan company - and we don't like that. How about you'ns just tell them you won't handle their paperwork, their accounts, or business anymore and we'll just make all these troubles go away for you."

"But, But, But, they are good customers and provide about five percent of our gross income," said the Banker....

"Not fer nothing, buddy, but would you rather lose that five percent or the whole damned bank?"

Conclusion.....  the bank folds, the payday loan company closes, and the folks in the neighborhood have no place to turn for short term, emergency loans.  

While I'll agree that those folks are probably better off without Acme Payday Loans -- the elephant in the room asks the question --- 'If this is so bad, why don't legislators pass a bill setting interest limits and operating regulations?'   Good question. 

Now then, assuming the POTUS and AG get their way with this Choke Point Bill without rein....  what happens when this president or the next president (of either party) decides he doesn't like corner liquor stores, or national chicken chains and/or hobby shops that are operated in Christian fashion....

Need I say more?  Next time you e-mail your representative, ask him/her where he/she stands on the unilateral establishment of presidential authority in Operation Choke Point.  Please add their answers here in the comment section.....  

Is this a case of 'The king is dead - long live the king?'

 See also....... Link

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