Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Word of the day ........FECKLESS

A new and improved addition to the dictionary definition of the word FECKLESS has been added as of late.......  Heretofore, the dictionary described FECKLESS as:

Examples of FECKLESS

  1. She can't rely on her feckless son.
  2. It was a feckless response to the rise in school violence.
As your humble host here, I'd like to offer a 3rd example of FECKLESS:

3. Allowing the position of US Ambassador to Russia to remain vacant from February 26th to the present and counting.

Yep, you read that right folks! These last three months whilst US-Russian relations are at their lowest ebb since before Reagan took office..... at a time when KGB trained Mad Vlad Putin has restarted the cold war with the West........  actually not so cold, rather warm.... at a time like this, the golfing metrosexual in the Oval Office, Community Organizer trained Obamanation has either refused or been unable to nominate a replacement for the former ambassador, McFaul, who resigned to be be close to his family in California.

So, the ambassadorial seat sits empty - collecting dust and flies instead of idea exchanges and inside information.  

Maybe Michelle Antoinette could flash a hashtag twitter  '#in search of an ambassador for Moscow'?

 That seems to be the basis for our world leadership position these days.

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