Sunday, April 1, 2012

No April Fool's Joke...... just a joke on the fool taxpayers of Long Island and New York

Why is this gal grinning so broadly?

She has good reason..... while New York State is grappling with serious budget problems, and even had to find $90 million extra tax dollars for Long Island schools, this gal just inked a contract as superintendent of the tiny (6600) student Syosset LI school district for ............. a total annual compensation package worth $537,767 !! Yep, every year - and she is guaranteed it for five years plus cost of living increases.

The New York governor is trying for the second year to get school superintendent's salaries capped at a $175,000. That's apparently why Ms Hankins went for the gold, and the five year guaranteed contract.

Apparently she lives upstate with her Westchester Community College president husband. Although she's not a total commuter -- they do own an ocean front mansion in Westhampton Beach, LI.

When will the tax paying citizens of this country say enough? Why is Joe Sixpack up in Rochester New York, humpin' on the job 5 or 6 days a week so they can take his tax money and ship it down to this sorry Syosset system?

You've heard the complaints about the 1%'ers.... are you aware that 12% of all the millionaire households in this country are in the 'education bid'ness'? But you hear those teacher's unions poor mouthin' day after day.....

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