Monday, April 2, 2012


I was doin' my Monday morning surf'n around the Internet this morning when I followed one link to an article by some liberal columnist named Romano that was on the Dem's personal blog -- Politico!

The article purportedly was about the great role that Ann Romney might play in this fall's election. I might have enjoyed the article and even learned something new about the Dem's fears and plans but unfortunately Romano made this statement in her lead paragraph:

"Ann Romney’s unexpected rock star status has the political arena buzzing about how her husband’s campaign will leverage her popularity in an election in which Michelle Obama — one of the most admired first ladies in history —"

That's what knocked me out of my chair -- by the way, if you have a problem with that acronym in the title to this piece, it's: "Help Me I've Fallen On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off And I Can't Get Up!!"

'Michelle Obama -- one of the most admired first ladies in history'...?? Oh Jesus, I'm gonna fall again.... help me!! Lord Luv a Duck!!!

The first Marie Antoinette of the 21st Century? -- the biggest vacation spender in the history of the White House while Joe Sixpack is out of work? The one who wears $600 sneakers to a food kitchen? The one who sends her 13 year old little girl of to Mexico for Spring Break? The one that flew a couple of gob'mint jumbo jets all the way to Hawaii by herself 'cause she couldn't wait one day for BO?????

Most admired? By whom? The GOP Republican election campaign manager??

Oh God, it hurts so.... I've got to stop and move on to something else.... LOL, ROFL, Oh Jeez!

Poor Mz Ramano, even if she insists on sticking with Dims, and ignoring the class of such ladies as Laura Bush --- couldn't she even consider Hellary, or Eleanor Roosevelt as admired first ladies?

After all, they both did more than vacation, live 'la dolce vita' and take up space......

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