Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm feeling 'whipsawed', how about you?

Like most of you, I have been following the trials and tribulations of Shirley Sherrod, until recently with the USDA. When a video of her speech to the NAACP was just released, the White House went berserk, their Secretary of Agriculture demanded her immediate resignation, to the point of 'pull over to the side of the road and do it on your Blackberry'!

Then a new video was released, showing another whole side to the speech, and everybody from the NAACP theyselves, to the White House, and that pillar of Society hisself, Jessie (Where's the microphone) Jackson demanded apologies and re

Now, in a great article entry today, Rosslyn Smith of AmericanThinker has added a whole new dimension to this odd shaped box. It would appear that there is a lot more to Ms Sherrod, her husband Charles, a former player with SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) and the Department of Agriculture....
It makes for a good read!! Take a minute so you can follow the bouncing ball on your evening news knowing the full background!!

Have we all stepped through the looking glass...... or what? This is taking on the appearance of one of those old comedy movies where one person comes up behind another with a gun, and then another person comes up behind him and then another.............

Except this is no comedy -- this is our tax money!!

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