Apparently the current Holder (pun intended) of the key positions in our Department of Justice have decided to be fair and even handed. Just as they dropped all charges and refused to follow up on allegations of wrong doing by the uniformed Black Panthers in the 2008 elections --- now they are granting waivers to the various states to allow them to 'ignore the votes of our citizens in the US Military -- another uniformed group! Oh shucks, that's not exactly 'fair and balanced' is it?
The Washington Times has a readable but thorough description of this what could be called 'Waiver-Gate' at the Justice Department. Including how it might have effected the outcome of the recent Senator election in Minnesota... It appears as if the overwhelming conservatism and pro-Republicanism among our uniformed services is just too much for Obamanation's personal handmaiden, the Department of Justice.
AmericanThinker has a well written and succinct summary as well.
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