Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What you see --- is not what you get.....

There are those who accuse Hellary Clinton of being shallow, false, and a walking lie. She claims that men have the advantage.....
I don't purport that..... but I would ask you what you would do if she were a male politician running for president - and put on this disguise every day before going out in public?

Good Morning Bill!

This is what she looks like when she gets out of bed in the morning. Before the bright blue contacts go in, the war paint goes on and the air brush for photos gets cranked up.

Good morning, voters!
And then, with the blue contacts inserted to match the blue pants suit, and the rest of the body armor painted on, this is who you see wayyyyy back behind the ropes at the 'No Questions' rallies..

Never noted this kind of disguise on Sarah Palin, or Carly Fiorina.... not even on Maggie Thatcher back in the day!   Even poor ole' Eleanor Roosevelt din't try to be somebody she wasn't.......

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