Saturday, April 11, 2015

Like noses, everybody has an opinion......

..... let me pose a question -- then ask for your opinion....

Question: Why is it that the preponderance of civilian civil servants (paid by the taxpayers of the nation) lean Democratic and prefer the Community Organizer currently occupying the Oval Office to George W Bush #43....... and yet active duty military personnel (also paid by the taxpayers of the nation) greatly prefer George W Bush #43 to BHO?

There has to be an underlying reason.... I have my opinion - why don't you share yours in the comments section to this post. Before you comment, you might want to click here to read the article that accompanies this graph. 

1 comment:

Leon Lowe said...

Pecos Bill, I voted for and supported George W. Bush and I voted for and support Barack Obama. My support doesn't reflect the overall politics of either man - just my belief that both men have acted in the best interest of our country in handling issues that I believe are the most important issues of our times. I've disagreed with both on other, less important issues. My opinion of the most important issues of the day direct my fingers when I mark my ballot or respond to an opinion poll.
