Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Who greased the slippery slope?

Sometimes I begin to believe that the slippery slope toward socialism has turned into a Bob Sled Run.....

Just last week, I read that the Florida State Board of Ed (not the Feds yet)) has decided to create a tiered achievement success rated based on race. Asian students will be expected to attain a high level of educational achievement, reading and math skills for example, while white kids can pass muster with a lesser grade. Then the hispanic kids will be expected to only satisfy a level lower and the black kids will be graded successful at a much lower reading and math level. 

WTH? is a phrase that comes to mind, isn't it. 

Today I open my paper and see that the new Socialist Presidente Hollande of France,  is considering a ban on all homework in that country. The kids will probably love him in the short run -- but.....

Apparently he feels that because some of the kid's home life, environment and parental guidance is of lesser quality than others ---- well, then -  just stop assigning homework so that no kid gets an advantage by studying more than his school mates.  Make sense to you? A nation of undereducated morons is better for the Nation of France than people of different knowledge and skill levels? nes pas?

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