Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Secretary Hellary give a whole new meaning to 'Whoop-Dee-Do' !!

Whatta gal -- what a patriot - what a bunch of phony baloney!!!

Twenty-four hours before Obamanation faces his second debate tonight -- all of a sudden, Hellary Clinton calls every US TV reporter in Peru accompanying her latest tour and declares...... "The Buck Stops With Me - I Am Responsible"  

(but then quickly tosses in a few crumbs about the fog of war - bad intel - and her channel to Eleanor Roosevelt being shut down I reckon)

All that aside - the way is now cleverly cleared for BHO to look pensive and responsible tonight when the inevitable questions comes up regarding Benghazi - look his questioner right in the eye and say, "Although Secretary Clinton and the Department of State has taken full responsibility for what happened to our brave Ambassador - as President, I of course share the pain."  Or other blithering words to that effect!

Male Bovine Excrement!!!   There was no 'fog of war' two months ago when they asked for security and were refused, there was no fog when, for the last month, they have stonewalled Congress, the press and the American people on their failings...  

Here is a question. If full responsibility for these deaths and this disaster falls on Hellary's shoulders --- why is she still Secretary of State? Why did she not resign? (that's what statesmen do)  Why was she not fired? That's what Presidents do!

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