Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Then Nation waits.... and waits... for Wisconsin's results tonite...

Not because anybody with an IQ higher than the room temperature in this air conditioned office wonders who will win. The Nation waits to see if Gob'nor Walker wins by a broad enough margin that even the dimwitted Dims can accept the results and not rush for their lawyers and bully boy offices.

They won in the courts what they couldn't win in the ballot boxes in neighboring Minnesota, and in far North West Washington. But the question remains, are they even compos mentis enough to recognize defeat when it slaps them in the face.

Let's hope so, Wisconsin needs to get back to work and stop making the TV stations rich, the Nation needs to refocus on the upcoming conventions and national election. Enough already.....

Even Democrat former Pennsylvania Gob'nor Rendell, one of the rare honest and outspoken politicians of the day said it this morning on the Morning Joe TV talk show.... "the Democrats made a mistake by recalling him."

By the way, I note the Dim's are sharpening their machetes and 'setting the table' for all their legal recount demands by claiming that some dastardly Republican is calling registered Democrat voters and telling them that if they signed the petitions, they don't need to vote. Now why do I suspect that some backroom Dimster called his buddy to have him make a couple of those calls to telephones where they could be recorded for appeal purposes............? Color me suspicious, not paranoid....

Oh, and while I'm on the topic, even if they did such evil deeds and the Dim's believed them, what law has been broken? I missed that one. Except maybe any registered voter that believes and acts on that kind of call probably needs his voter registration card ripped up for stupidity!

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