Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sometimes I get so flabberdagnabbedgastely mad I can't write....

This is one of those instances.

I am so perflunkingly pee-ohhed, I might say something beneath my retired military and Texas dignity, So instead, I will just link you to a Jazz Shaw posting today on HotAir,com. Be sure to read the links he offers.....

I ain't believing it in these United States -- in the Wisconsin gob'nor election, the Dim Dem Union Backed thugs are mass mailing out lists of folks who vote - and those that don't... to their neighbors.

Then they are following up by mailing neighbors lists of their neighbor's contributions to political candidates..... Public information - yep, I reckon, but Whee Doggies... are these folks getting mean and up front and personal or what........? What do you think?

Maybe it's time to run them and their ilk plumb outta office and power!!

Personal intrusion in the age of politics.....

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