Thursday, April 26, 2012

"Trillion Dollar Day???" WTH???

The President of the United States spent the first year of his term shoving a hate wedge between American citizens and the evil CEO's that run the automobile companies....(as he bailed them out)

The President of the United States spent the second year of his term shoving a hate wedge between American citizens and the evil hedge funders and Wall Street bankers... (as he bailed them out)

The President of the United States spent the third year of his term shoving a hate wedge between the citizens of the several States and their State Governments.

And now --- in his fourth year, the President is dedicating himself to shoving a hate wedge between those who live within their means .... and those that don't. Between the Occupiers and the evil 1%. Between college grads (I won't use the word students) and the evil lenders of their student loans that made their overpriced educations possible.

Yesterday, while college students across the land held demonstrations to mark Trillion Dollar day, the day that total student loans should reach $1 Trillion dollars. the President of the United States visited three college campuses to fan their flames and pour gas on the fire.

The 'Hispandering' of the last couple years was bad enough but this.....? A 32 year old single mother with TWO graduate degrees laments that in three years when she gets her Ph.D. in sociology, (big demand for them in the job markets) she'll owe $111,000 in student debts? Well Duh?

A first year law degree student (a real shortage of lawyers in the country) complains that she will owe $135,000 when she gets her degree and won't be able to afford a gob'mint backed mortgage for a house?? Say what?

In less than 200 days, this Nation will choose whether we will continue our path to becoming the Greece of North America.... or the 'Shining city on the Hill that Reagan envisioned'.

Will we continue to be 'the last great hope of mankind' as Abraham Lincoln identified us (U.S.) or will we become the smoldering ruins left in the trail of a triumphant Saul Alinsky grinning in his grave at the work of his protege?

Everyday, I ask myself -- why do these elitists hate this country so much that they want to destroy it..... instead of build on it?

I don't have an answer...... do you?

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