Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pot calling the kettle black Award!!!

Funniest quote of the year so far: James Carville, chief huckster for Bubba Clinton, and famously known as the motormouth of the South - or ET's love child.... in a Dim fund raising letter being sent to the wealthier, dimmer Dems, said

“Yeah, it still is about the economy, stupid. It's about how hucksters like Mitt crashed it...."

His blast, in a fundraising letter of course, followed Romney’s victories in five Tuesday primaries. In a victory speech, Romney hit Obama with the Carville line. “It’s still about the economy, and we’re not stupid,” he said."

I don't know about you, Pardners, but Carville calling anybody else a huckster is tantamount to Bubba Clinton calling somebody else an intern abuser and a liar!!!

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