Thursday, April 19, 2012

A dead fish always stinks from the head......

There is an old Hebrew saying (proverb?) that a 'fish rots from the head down'. I think that that saying is probably neither accurate biologically nor 'in the nose'...

However - recent events here in our US of A cause serious thoughts about this proverb. We have a President who thinks of himself and is presented as a messiah of some kind. He lives a lavish life style of outrageously expensive dinners and wines that are so expensive even he is embarrassed to release their names and prices. During those short periods he spends in the White House that is.

His consort travels in higher style and more often than does the Queen of England, who couldn't hope to match the FLOTUS's expansive ways. Jumbo jets in pairs, posse's of friends, relatives, and daughters friends by the dozen. Thousand of miles, hundreds of protective agents, literally millions of dollars annually.

And this in a USA that is borrowing one out of every four dollars it spends and putting it on credit cards to be paid by our grandchildren.

And then it flows down from the head. We hear of GSA orgies of spending and high living in Las Vegas by government employees who are actually quoted as laughing at the tax payers.

It flows further to that service whose only function in life is to protect the President - as they too, join in the orgies in foreign countries. In their case, the orgies are those of illicit sex instead of spending taxpayer's money, but orgies none the less.

The Attorney General and indeed, the Department of Justice scoffs at the congress, the judiciary and even the laws of the land. Not only picking and choosing which laws they will prosecute and which they will ignore, but bragging on the evening news of their intent -- even sharing it in their Congressional testimony. As they play the fast & furious game with the law.

I could go on - but you've heard it all -- and probably wouldn't read it ....

So I'll simply ask you folks to think about this...... Is it the President and First Lady's fault? Is this country starting to rot from the head?

In 2008, they only got to cast two votes, one each.

Across America only 6 in 10 eligible voters voted. Of those that did, 69.5 million voters voted to put this man and woman in the White House. 60 million voted for the other guy.

So just 3% of those that bothered to vote -- elected this President, for his 12% unemployment rates, his $5 Trillion ($5,000,000,000,000) dollars of useless debt borrowing and spending on his political cronies, his $4 per gallon gasoline, his attacks on oil, small bid'ness, and the nation.

They also voted for Michelle Antoinette's junkets to Spain, to Africa, to Hawaii, to Las Vegas, for her 12 year old daughter to travel in the same protected style with twelve of her friends to Mexico -- a place declared unsafe for us normal Americans.

I think we all need to look again before we decide where the rot and the stink begins!! And take a big sniff before this coming November. It will get worse as you approach the ballot box.

I don't want to hear any of this Romney isn't conservative enough whining.... Don't say you'll hold your nose and vote for him -- take a big sniff in this country and then run to the polls to vote for him!! And take some friends.......


fishbowl said...

POTUS & FLOTUS have gotten a new Toy(AF 1)and are using it as it belongs to them and not to the Citizens of the U.S.ofA. and could care less what WE THE PEOPLE feel and think.

fishbowl said...

dereepa nartin