Monday, April 23, 2012

April Fools Day is gone and past.....

.... so who is the biggest fool at last.

Seems like that was a quote from my youth --- it came to mind when I recently read Attorney General of the United States Eric Holder's comments at Northwestern Law School: “Given the nature of how terrorists act and where they tend to hide, it may not always be feasible to capture a United States citizen terrorist who presents an imminent threat of violent attack, in that case, our government has the clear authority to defend the United States with lethal force.”

Help me out here Pilgrims, .... is this the same attorney general that investigated the intensive interrogation (read - waterboarding) techniques during the Bush years with the goal of prosecuting those involved and embarrassing the 'W' and Cheney?

Sure is hard to follow the rules -- on the one hand, it's not nice to pour water up one's nose in attempt to get enough intel to prevent a massive terrorist attack.... but ....

On the other hand - it is now Okay, to missile attack, bomb, strafe, or otherwise kill American citizens (and any nearby folks who will be identified only as collateral damage) who are suspected of consorting with the enemy. Due process not required, notwithstanding the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

You know, that same constitution that the Attorney General swore to uphold and defend.......

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