Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Obamanation to 'focus on jobs' now that we gave up on spending restraints.....

I was plumb tickled to hear our POTUS say yesterday - 'Now the debt ceiling matter has been resolved under his adult leadership, he is gonna focus on jobs!' (paraphrased of course)

Somehow this phrase 'focus on jobs' seemed a mite familiar - so like any good lazy American, I Googled with the search content of: "obama, focus on jobs"......

Lord have mercy, in 0.18 seconds, Google came up with 127,000,000 hits!! I knew he'd used that phrase often, but 127 million times in 2½ years? Whoa Nellie!!

I started scanning the first few thousand and found that many were duplicates, repeats, copies and such like...... whew! Apparently, he only promised to think about jobs from morning till night, to focus on them like a laser, to think about them first and last, to make jobs priority one, to put Americans back to work, to reduce the unemployment rolls, to find meaning job, yaddayadda yadda .... a few thousand times, not all those millions!

That's good to know. Else wise, folks might get the impression that his middle initial stands for Hyperbole instead of Hussein!

I wonder when he and Congress are going to do their job, and present last years budget? It has been over 800 days since we've seen one!.........

I hope all them folks joining him in Chicago tonight for that $35,800 per couple fund raiser buffet dinner have jobs.......... or deep credit cards!!!

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