Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wake up America..... you ignorant sluts!

Yesterday, as I watched Obamanation rant and rave and sneer that the 69% of the American population that are against raising taxes and raising the Debt Ceiling .... just didn't 'get it', because they were ignorant of the facts and obviously not mature enough to understand the problems that he faces.

I was reminded of this poster of Timmy Geithner, Tax Dodger and BO's Treasurer of the US. The feeling is so pervasive at the White House now, that anybody who doubts...... 'is an unwashed ignorant slut' in their minds.

Perhaps they have taken Rahmbo's mantra one step higher... he said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste!'.

Obamanation and Timmy the Dodger seem to be taking this one step higher, "If you have no crisis, then fer Chrissakes, make one! And then don't let it go to waste."

A final thought, BO is on record (and tape) as being opposed to raising the debt ceiling during the Bush years when he was a United States Senator -- could he have been that ignorant of the facts at that time?

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