Monday, July 11, 2011

Speaker Boehner is all alone.............. and that's dangerous!

All of you Pilgrims that love this country, that want to see it succeed....... need to send positive vibes to this man.

If ever a lonesome leader in Washington needed all the support we can send --- this is the man - and this is the time.

As Obamanation uses every tool available to him in the Oval Office and with all his lackeys and slobbering main stream media syncophants, this man must remain firm. If he folds during these so called negotiations -- so to will the strength of the GOP fold next year as it splinters.

For Obamanation - it's simple -- doesn't matter what Congress does.....if he can get Speaker Boehner to fold and offer up tax hikes for a vote- BO wins. Whether the vote passes or not -- BO wins.....

So there is Speaker Boehner, running up and down Pennsylvania Avenue at the beck and call of this impostor in the White House. Someone needs to stick the proverbial steel rod besides his spine..... to keep him erect!

Someone needs to remind him that all bills of Budgeting and Taxing begin in the House of Representatives, not the White House or Dingy Harry's Senate office.

Send out those vibes, folks, send out those positive vibes..... as was once said..... 'These are the times that try men's souls'.

Contact him with your support at:
Phone (202)-225-0600
Fax (202)-225-5117

Or click here to e-mail him at his office!

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