Thursday, July 28, 2011

Stupid is as Stupid does........

We have 536 elected representatives in Washington in the House, Senate and White House. Supposedly these politicians - along with a million hired yes flacks, are the best and brightest in the country.

Folks, I'm here to tell you - if the light bulbs on my porch were as dim as these (made in China - CFL haz-mat) so called leaders are -- I'd fall on my arse every time I went out of the house after dark.

They've screwed up the job market, the small business market, the housing market, the mortgage market, the corn ethanol market, and every other market they touch. Now they've even screwed up the credit card market with their new 'fees' regulations. And I haven't even mentioned our $14,000,000,000,000 national debt!!

I'm reminded of that age old question with a new twist (pun intended): "How many politicians does it take to screw up a light bulb?"

Hell these folks can't figure out that you can't borrow your way out of debt== how complicated is that? Ask any homemaker, male or female, for the answer to that question.

Nope, they want to tell us what toilets to buy, what light bulbs to use, what insecticides to spray, where we can drill, what we can say that is politically correct..... but all in the name of 'our good'!

Maybe the title up there should read: "Spineless is as Spineless does!" ... 'cause I sure don't see any America First backbone inside that D.C. beltway lately -- by either party!!

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